Welcome To The Prologue Of A Legend

Welcome To The Prolouge Of An Legeend
Never fold under pressure, Never accept Handouts....” 

Anticipation is a an understatement. Literally an understatement. So now some of you, well most of you may already know and be aware of the problems coming out of Richmond, VA.
 From Ball Gasol , Drop Yola , Ryo Luchiano, etc.
You see now we got another big, Honeslty after the “Chasing” track we just heard at the office.
Im convinced that .... We’ll some may say it’s a stretch but f*** it. Im going to go off the books by calling him an Icon early. Not a superstar, because they fade away in the sky.
A Icon, Legend, Someone That Life lives a legacy. Let me give you the run down. You got a kid from  trenches of Richmond,VA. Been through the toughest obstacles of them all. Rumble with the big ones and stay healthy with the sick ones.
He gets booked living the every day life trying to eat. I just said he’s from the trenches. So you have this kid and he has a passion. He’s not as enthusiastic as the norm. He holds it in. You see when he gets in environment to let it out and let it flow. It’s bigger than me just being able to say the cliche, “Music to my ears.”
He gets time to sit and get a clear visual of life, the time to let that energy flow in the mind and in paper. We had a colleague go to his first studio session since he was home and focused.
  “Qash (20), Arrived at Double R Studios® in full fleet with his posse. He was with the one kid we did. A review on the other day that also has a foot in Richmond. The Ba..B...Ball , The Ball Gasol guy. So yeah they arrive to the studio and they immediately start working. Ball goes in the booth and wraps his single right up. Now when I watched Qash enter the booth. I seen him loosen up compared to how he was outside the recording area. So they play his beat and guys. I must tell you that the energy and the way the words flowed out was just like the microphone spoke to him and said “Tell me what’s on your mind.” 
I feel as if when the time comes weather the light is shined on the streets of Richmond or if the streets of Richmond walk towards the light. I can tell you one thing. These guys with definitely glow in the dark.”  Says Micheal Easton (Blogger)
 According to our sources Qash recorded that same song titled “Marco Vega.” Which will be On his debut project “Free Cash.”  
Now that’s my definition of an Icon. I honestly can’t wait to see what this kids has in stored for the city. Better yet the industry.
We don’t have an official release date on the project. So stay tuned with The New World Trade : Music Dispensary for all future updates from singles, features, visuals and more.

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Qash - @billyconcieted


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