The 18 Hardknocks - Written By VeryRareAli (Leak #2)

CHAPTER 8 - Re-United

Me and Malik went outside after hours of being in the our studio which was our room on our dresser and wall.
This was the first time being outside in this neighborhood. So we walked to the end of our street and I seen the boys we be joking with on the bus. 
 Now let me remind you all these people are wealthy white folks. 
He was riding his bike up the street and he asked us what we were about to do. 
Long story short, we made him one of our right hand mans out there.
 We end up being at his house more than ours, he had pool just like us , game systems and everything. 
 So one day he pulled out this black case from under his bed and said you guys want to play "Airsoft." At the time I didn't know that Airsoft was BB Guns. So we said yeah. He opened that case,and I felt like I was a criminal. 
 He had the Mac 11, like 3 different pistols, 2 shotguns. 
We later found out that, that was all they did around there for fun was play with BB Guns. 
 We hung out there for a little bit, after I got hit with them shits a couple times it was time for me to go. So we walking up the driveway and in the garage, I opened the door and guess who was sitting on the couch in the living room.
 My mutherfucking umma, the one Tiffany snapped on. Man I was so fucking happy to see her Bruh.
 I ran so fast to her, I introduced her to Malik and shit.
Then she told us how we were going out tomorrow and how she met Kim and Symome. 
 Early that morning my dad came in the room and handing me and Duce $50 a piece and said that we was going out with umma and and Yasmin. 
 When I got out the bed we were the only ones in the house. 
Umma and Ms.Rosa was in the kitchen playing music and cooking, the back doors open, tv on, curtains open and everything. 
"Salam Alkium baby" said Umma.
"Walaikum Assalam Umma." 
Man I was loving shit right now, my grandmother here. The crib is big as hell, man what more can I ask for."
Mrs.Rosa sat a plate infront of me when I sat the high counter.
It was Turkey Bacon, Grits, Eggs, and the "Grand Pillsbury biscuits."
Umma was cooking like she was back at home and it was lovely. Malik came downstairs behind Storm wiping the cold out their eyes. 
 Rosa fixed them a plate while Umma told us what we were doing for the day. 
"Ok, So the car should be here at about 12, it's 10 now. We going to go to the mall up here and do some shopping and hit some more stores." Explained Umma.
 Man we were excited as hell. After we ate we ran upstairs and got dressed. Malik put in his mix cd with all the Houston artist on it.
First song play Fat Pat "Tops Drop." Oh my god everytime that beat drop it's a lituation, matter of fact go listen to that right now. 
 So we get to the mall about 12:14 and we ran to the door. The first store we seem was on our right hand side called "Imaginations."
This store means so much to me, but I'll explain that to you later. 
We get in there and it's all white statues of diffrent things like cars, Mickey Mouse , goofy, canvas so you can paint. And you buy the the statues and paint them in the store. The thing is the statues was so cheap, it was like $4-5 a statue. 
 My first one was Goofy from Looney Tunes, Malik did a football player and Storm did a big ass flower, and Umma did a simple car.
We stayed in that store until about 4:00pm just painting shit. 
When we got home Orlando, Kim, Symone, Sweat, my pops and a lot of other people was at the house. We went upstairs and put away our paintings. You know me and Malik wanted to be seen so we hurried up and put on swimming trunks and went to the pool. On the way to pool is seen Orlando talking to two beautiful ass girls, It was girls all in and out the door way. People were drinking beer and my dad was cooking on the grill. 
When we walked out through the crowd and out the back door. My dad snapped. 
"Ali, Malik, Where y'all think y'all going ?"
"We were going swimmg." Said Malik.
"It's about to be dark outside, get in the house." Yelled my pops.
"No fats, I got something for them" said Kim.
She cam out the cut with three big ass lights and threw them in the pool. 
They were water safe of course, but it lit the pool up so we can see while it was dark.
My dad just shook his head and we just ran and got in.
She walked past him and kissed him on his bald ass head and went back to having a good time.
It was things like this that was what made the family that we had so fun.  
 After about 3 more months of that house, we moved to a house on Memorial Dr. It was in a quite part of Houston. When we pulled up, it was a house with a lot of leaves around it. I walked in the front door and it was two den areas on the left and right side with glass doors on them. When you walk further Straight it was a big area with the fire place  connected to the stairs which was on the right side. Kim and my dad room was under the stairs. On the left side was the kitchen which had the same glass doors that connected to the other side of that den area. Then it was a big ass living room area that led outside to the pool. The living room area had two entries. One from the stairs and one if you was coming from the kitchen. 
 In the backyard it was a big area that we never did nothing I with. 
Imma come clean with you guys, this house was very depressing, it was a lot of arguments, disagreements, and let downs. 
One time I was in my dad room and I was looking for something I shouldn't have been and I ran into something crazy. I opened the closet door and it was a room on the side I opened it and it was a big ass AK-47 with all these color tags hanging off them. 
 I slammed the door and ran out the room like I was about to get shot by the closet. After 2more moths of living there And going to a Muslim school. Me and Storm went back to Virginia. 

Chapter 9- Virginia Beach, Salem
When Me and Storm landing in Virgina. My mom, My stepdad and His grandmother was waiting on us. When come down the escalator and they were going crazy. I was so happy to see my fucking mother man. 
I was crying and giving her these big ass hugs. 
 We get in the car and we driving to Salem area. We pull Into Salem area and we pass this school called "Glenwood." We continue to drive straight and we make a right on the next street we pull up to this hues and my mom tells us to grab out bags and stuff. 
 We were so excited to be back home. I missed my pops and everything but it was nothing like coming home to my ma dukes.  
 We get in the house and he guides us upstairs and points to the room on the left. 
"That's y'all room" said Scottie.
We settled in the room and then they took us to his dad house where they were having this big a cookout.
Now Scottie dad was "Grandpa Buck," he had a smart mouth like Scottie. But he was smoother with his, he was from "North Truxton" Portsmouth. Occupation wise he did everything from painting, yard work, plumbing. One time I seen this nigga make socket for the wall, like Deadass a whole, socket from start to finish.
 We at the cookout and shit and we re-uniting with my mom until she fucked up a nigga mood and said, "Were gonna have you guys in school by Monday."
 My nigga it was Sunday. I kind of couldn't wait to go to school, just to shit on niggas in Virginia with hella True Religion, Polo, all that. 
 Then there it was, Monday I was at the office of New Castle Elementary. 
I'm going to tell you guys right now, I was the most blackest person at that school, not skin wise either. Like they looked at me weird when I mixed Mayonnaise and Ketchup. I was the first kid to get a referral in that school. 
 I didn't even do shit but "attempt" to trip somebody in the hall and me and the kid was playing around. I was so happy when I graduated from that school. 
 My mom took me out to get my clothes for after graduation pictures.
I copped this black, yellow and red rocawear jump suit with the big "R" on the back and the grey, yellow and orange Ice Cream boardflip.
I been fucking with that ice cream shit for the longest. 
 I remember after pictures these two ghetto ass janitors asked me, "What your parents do ?" 
I said my dad a music producer and my mom work for the Virginia Pilot. Then I walked away like I was the shit. 
After about almost the whole summer of living there my moms, let us go to my aunt but house, she lived in Bethel over in hampton. 
We was only supposed to be visiting. She was took us downtown to this diner place. When we pulled up I seen this Mercedes Benz G-Wagon , CLS, S550 and a white Mercedes ML 63. 
 I started freaking out like damn look at those sweet ass cars. 
So we get out and go into he restaurant and I see a fat black bald dude sitting there with his back to me. Man I knew what it was.
I ran over there so fast and jumped on his back.
"Daaaaadddy" I started going crazy. 
Then Maxx stood up, now I haven't introduced Maxx to y'all yet. Well he's my dad's oldest son he 23 now, but at the time he was 17 or 18. He was a idol to me, a Long-Island Hemsptead billy through top and through. His real name was Dorie, he got the luck of being named after my dad. I ran to him and almost tackled him with excitement. I'm getting excited explaining this. 
Like he was so fresh he had on a White True Religion thermal with some Rock and Republics on with the "R'"s on the back pocket.them had a chain wallet that went from the front of his belt loop to the back of his belt loop. My dad had his two bodyguards with him "Halle &Hov" and Kim's little brother "Jonathan" and a couple more niggas.
 So after we link with them, my auntie bit slipped out the door and my dad dipped to Houston. 
Yeah that's right, to Houston. If you want to call it kidnapping then by all means do you. But my dad took us all the way back to Houston.
We all split up into those 4 cars and drove all the way back to Houston,TX. 
 The longest ride ever, we stop in like 4 different cites. 
We finally get to Houston and we pull up to this house. Now I going to describe this house and 9 out of 10 people are not going to believe but remember this story is all real. 
 We pull up to the house and it look like it was another one connected to it. We walked in through the garage, nobody ever went in through the front door. When I walk in the house I walk into the back of the kitchen and into my dads back. He was crying In tears like really balling in tears. Ms.Rosa was rubbing his back telling him to calm down. I listen closely and I hear my mom yelling at him from the other in. 
I grabbed the phone and begged her to let us stay, after about 3hours of that, she finally said fuck it and hung up. 
"C'mon let me show y'all the new house" said my dad as he wiped his tears.
We walked straight through the kitchen and on the left was a glass table with in chairs around it. Now to the right was the front door and a elevator. It was stairs connected to the elevator in case you didn't want to take either or, but I mean c'mon who wouldn't take the elevator everytime when it's in your house. Straight ahead from the kitchen was a the prayer room, my dad had his records up in the corner on the walls. Now the second floor was chill, it was lime green furniture and a average size flat screen on the wall. The 3rd floor was Kim and my dads room, their room took up the whole 3rd floor from wing to wing. The forth floor was where Me,  Malik & Maxx room was if you came out the elevator and made a left. Our room was big as hell, we all had 3 big ass beds spaced out in a row and a balcony that seen over the while street all the way to the shops up the block. We didn't have closets, 
It was the big ass cabinet things that had a big opens space for like clothes you hang up and then clothes you fold and stuff. 
It was a bathroom to the left of that. 
 Now if you made a right out of the elevator it was Symone and Yasmin's room. Knowing Symone she had her shit decorated walls painted pink and everything and everybody stayed in her room cause she had the computer in there. 
 Now the 5th floor was a blank are that led out side, now I said black cause the only thing that was up there was towels before You hit the door to go outside. 
When you come out the door you can only go left. It made a simi circle, as you keep walking you run into this big ass jacuzzi thats the size of a pool. If you keep Walking it's just a big ass deck with grilling tools. From that view you can see damn near the whole Houston. And that was the house on in Fairview.
 When we got settled, Maxx and D.R. Now some of you may remember DR. He was Orlando's friend and played in the show with him. Well his real name is David Randall, but his rap name was DR. 
 Well they helped me unpack my clothes and make sure I had my shit right like my closet and shit.
 That night My dad took me with him to go sign Maxx, D.R and YG contract. Now YG, new name is "Young Greatness" he's a New Orleans cat that my dad saw hella potential in so he signed him. Now he works with Lil Wayne, 50, Krit and more people. But anyways 
They all went to a studio that my dad and Uncle Sweat had brought. 
It was big as shit for just a studio, but all the artist stayed there except Maxx. I'm not sure how much their Advance was after they signed but I remember we all went to the Galleria and brought hella shit. The only one out of them that was smart was DR. He went to the bank before the galleria and deposited his shit. Maxx and YG balled out after 5 straight nights at the club.
 Now before they went to the club always was the saddest times for me and Malik. We would have to watch them walk up and down the room trying on hella clothes, all this jewlery, bottles, money and we couldn't do nothing. But run around the house. So one night I snapped, I cried to my dad about how me and Malik, never get to do nothing but go to the studio and photoshoots and all that. I mean but really what kid my age you know what dong this, everything was a blessing. I was just salty I couldn't go to the clubs.
 "Look Ali, I'll take you two out tomorrow night, I Promise."


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