Greed & Gold- 3 The Hard Way Pt 2 Chapters 8-9

Chapter 8- Drug Revenge 

"I'm not calling Meek yet. I got to think first Thoto." Cries Nadir.
"How you think they knew where we was ? They knew what they was coming for, cause the trunk was the only thing fucked with." Trent voices rising and he begins yelling.
Nadir slouches in the driver seat and starts thinking about the situation.
"Tamera and Iesha was fucking with Von and them when we walked in." Said Nadir
"Yeah I know, What makes you think it's them ? I mean I did cut the conversation off." Said Trent.
"Nobody else knew we were going to your spot except them." Mumbled Nadir.
"You right, Them bitches a deadball but look, What we going to do ?" Said Trent.
Nadir sits up & turns on the car, he picks his phone up from his lap and calls Meek.
*Phone Rings x2*
"Unc ?" Mumbles Nadir. 
"Yeah, What's good lol nigga ?"
"Nothing, Where you at ?" Asked Nadir.
"We at the house now, y'all nigga slide thru." Said Meek.
The phone hangs up and Nadir heart drops. He figured telling Meek over the phone will be easier than telling him in person. He also knew that Meek and Preem don't play about they work. 
He turns to Trent and tells him. 
Trent face turns shallow and he slouches in his seat and started rolling up. They bust a U-turn and drove towards The brothers house.
Meek, Preem, Spark & Styles all lived in the same house. Don't get me wrong, they had they on property and could purchase many more but this was their main house. 
It was a all black house with gloss paint and a black painted drive way. It was a pathway that lead you to the the front door with white stones on them. Wgen Nadir was younger he would jump from stone to stone all the way to the door. Right before you got to the front door was all white rocks to the left & right of you. The door was all black like the rest of the house. When Nadir and Trent pulled up they hopped out and walked to the door. They rang the doorbell twice and Preem opened the door. 
"What's good, c'mon." Said Preem
The inside of the house was all black with two big ass fish tanks on the left & right walls as you walk down the hallway. 
Preem lead the brothers to the first floor. They lived in a 4 story house. The entrance where the front door was was on the 2nd floor. Preem & Meek room on the floor and Spark and Styles room on the 4th floor. Now in the 1st floor was an extended basement. They knocked down the wall just stretched it. 
When you go down the stairs you notice the stairs change colors from the white to the rest of the house into this all black room. There was a strip pole in the middle of the floor. A 62inch TV on the wall and every game system and give on the same wall. 
When they went down there and seem them sitting at the coffee table counting Alot of money and smoking weed. It was about 7 guys down there all together not counting Nadir and Trent. 
"What's good y'all." Said Nadir to all the Niggas.
They exchange greetings and Nadir told the men. 
"We got robbed by some Tophouse niggas. They took the all 4 keys and our straps that was in the trunk and Yanni got killed." Explained Nadir.
The brothers dropped they money and turned around and stared Nadir & Trent down.
"Who the fuck robbed y'all ?"screamed Spark.
"Von & all them." Said Trent.
"They dead, they dead in a hour." Mumbled Preem.
Nadir was so worried about them being mad about the work being gone. They were more concerned with they nephew being robbed. 
"Find out where they at tonight." Said Meek.
The brothers walked upstairs and just left everything down there such as Guns, Money, Blunts and even Nadir & Trent downstairs in the room. 
Trent calls Triniece cause he knows she'll give him some information about TopHouse niggas.
"Baby ?" Said Trent.
"Huh ?" Mumbled Triniece 
"What you doing ?"said Trent.
"About to get dress, Why what's up ?"
"What's good for tonight ?" Responds Trent.
"A kickback in Tophouse, You going ?"
Asked Triniece.
"I might." Said Trent.
"Comeeee, I miss you and I want you to  see you." Said Triniece
"I might babe." Trent hangs up the phone and tells Nadir.
The jog upstairs and runs in the kitchen with all the other Niggas to tell them. 
"It's a kickback in TopHouse tonight." Yelled Nadir.
"What time is it ?" Asked Preem.
"6:02" said Trent.
"C'mon." Said Preem.
The brothers took them back to the 1st floor. They pushed the nightstand to the side & Preem lifts up the bottom if the rug & pulls the handle connected to the wall. The full closet opened and there it was. A three sided room area full of artillery. On the left side was all handguns from 9mm to Desert eagles.
On the middle area was knives and full of bullets . On the right was all assault rifles and shotguns.

CHAPTER 9- Caught Lacking 
It's 6:45pm in Tophouse and it's lit. Shawn, Trilla, Wave, Beem, Blizz, Von, Shade & a bunch of younger niggas that be with them in the neighborhood.
Sometime when shit get hot, they will dump they work or weapons off to the little niggas cause they know police wouldnt expect them to have it.
Wave and Trilla was talking to these two bitches trying to get them to fuck. 
Shawn was in the back playing dice with Shade, Beem & Blizz. 
And Shawn was snapping.
Blizz was the only one that would entertain him and bet against him and boost his head up. It was but often that Shawn would lose to any of them. Unless Wave would play. 
Back at the house, Meek, Preem, Spark, Styles, Nadir, Trent & the other seven wild looking niggas was fleeing from the crib. With bags of guns.
Nadir, Trent, & Preem followed Meek, Spark & Styles in the car. The other niggas was filling Nadir.
3 Cars deep just driving. 
"Yo, Preem." Said Nadir.
"What's Good Lil nigga." Mumbled Preem.
"Sorry we got robbed for all that."said Nadir.
Preem laughs and sits up.
"Look bruh, this is the game that you want to be in. So we letting you do that. You have to experience the ups and down. We sell at least 4 keys a hour. We gave you 4 Keys for free cause that seem like Alot to you & we wanted to see if you could handle it. Fuck that Lil bit of dope." Said Preem.
Nadir shoulders relaxes and gets relived. 
Meek pulled into the gas station around the corner from TopHouse. 
In the back hallway. Wave and Trilla was getting somewhere with the girls. 
Shawn and them was wrapping up the dice game and walking out the hallway. 
"I'm high as hell bruh. I want to shoot some shit bruh." Said Blizz. 
"Gun Shots x5" 
Meek was behind a black pickup truck about 3 parking spots from Wave and them. Preem was coming out the cut letting off a two .38's. 
Trilla jumped off the curb and started letting off shits repeatedly. 
Shawn running backwards towards the bushes and shooting at the same time.
Wave grabbed the bitch and threw him Infront of him while he whipped out his .45 and started shooting. 
Nadir pulled up in his car behind the truck Meek was standing behind.
Trent letting the M-16 spit at the Tophouse niggas. 
Blizz was currently peeking out the hallway letting off the Pump. 
He flees through the back of the hallway and runs into Styles who was standing in the dark with the 12 gauge poking.
Blizz jumps back in the hallway and fires into the bushes. He pierces Styles in the ribs and scoops his gun.
Running with a 12 gauge and a Pump. 
Blizz pops at Nadirs whip for the dark cut and hits the tire and one of the seven niggas. He continues running through the neighborhood. 
Trilla was crouched behind a van with two bullets in his chamber. Shawn was behind the bushes and was continuing to let his gun pop he didn't care what he hit. Wave was switching guns and letting shots hit Preem. 
"Let's go." Said Trilla.
The Tophouse skeerted through the back of the apartments.
"Grab Preem, lets get the fuck out here." Said Meek.
TopHouse looks like a Call Of Duty Aftermath leaving One Injured, Leaving three dead bodies on the ground after the dramatic Shoot out.


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