Greed & Gold - 3 The Hard Way Pt2. Chapters 4&5

Chapter 4- The Comeup

They drive to The back and see a couple potheads smoking weed and some lil niggas playing football and racing. As they drive further back to where Yanni and Hill stayed they see Hill on the curb shooting dice with about 6 different niggas. Yanni was on the stoop with some broads that only gossip about other niggas from the Neighborhood. Yanni was doing a little girls hair on the stoop. She had tuber-ware box of scrungies and other hair accessories, but don't ever let that fool you. She was always prepared. Under all of the clips and bobby pins was two pistols.
Hill was the same way, along with the 40 calibur pistol in his pants, he had a brown paper bag with a Arizona tea in it and next to that tea was a .22 hugging the inside of the bag.
"Yo, Hill ?" Said Nadir. 
"What You Want ?" Said Blizz.
Blizz was one of the craziest niggas in Tophouse. He was 18 and had a mind of a demon. He used to be a lookout with Trilla and them but Hill had so much respect for him cause he would put in work with no questions asked. So he mad him a hitter for him. If a nigga got loud during a conversation, it was a head shot at point blank range. A nigga didn't have the right money, it was a head shit at point blank range.He sold weed for about two years, but he stopped cause he hated when niggas asked him for shit. Like he would really beat a nigga face in if they asked him for shit too many times. Trent didn't like the nigga one bit, I mean if it really came down to it then it would be a Shootout between the two.
"I see you still Hill bitch..." Mumbled Trent.
"What you say bitch ?" Yelled Blizz walking to the car.
"Chill we not here for that, we need to see Hill." Said Nadir.
Hill turned around hearing the sound of his voice being called and got excited seeing the face of Nadir.
"Yoooooo, What's Good ?" Replies Hill.
"Expanding corperations, get in let me talk to you." Said Nadir.
Hill called Yanni down to the car and she reached in the box and grabbed her one of her pistols before jogging to the car.
"Oh Yeah Nadir, I ain't know that was you." Says Yanni while opening the door.
"Ok look y'all, I want to put some work on the your block, but I'm not moving in without your confirmation." Explained Trent.
"What you trying to move ?" Asked Yanni.
"Coke." Uttered Trent.
"Woahhh... You stepping up to that ? You think your going to move that heavy shit in my projects ?" Yelled Hill.
"Look, Look, I was cutting the profit 10 percent to y'all for every 5 sold." Said Nadir.
"If y'all scared, let us know now." Mumbled Trent.
"Hold on we not scared, we got this shit on lock. But I think y'all got a deal, tell me more." Said Yanni.
"You sure baby ?" Asked Hill.
Yanni put her hand on his shoulder to stop his sentence to finish hearing details about the deal.
"Okay, We staring off with 2 uncut kilos of certified coke. Straight from Columbia, no tampered shit, high quality all white. We figured y'all making a little weed profit out here, so I figure we smoke that weed to satisfy our needs and we move the big work." Explains Nadir.
"Y'all got a deal, let me see some." Said Hill.
"Y'all coming to the block party tomorrow right ?" Asked Nadir.
"Yeah, of course."said Yanni.
"Okay, we'll bring it tomorrow and let y'all get a taste and view." Replied Nadir.
They exchange greetings and Nadir and Trent exit the projects.
Nadir gets a call from his mom, he stares at the phone and debates picking it up.
He let's it ring a couple times before answering it.
"Pause it, Pause it . Hello Ma." Said Nadir giving the allusion he was in the middle of playing a video game.
"Where you at ?" Yelled Kelly.
"I'm at Trent house playing 2K and your making me lose mommy." Said Nadir in a humerous voice.
"I'm not laughing or joking with you, bring your ass home now." Said Kelly as he hung up the phone.
"Damn bruh, I gotta go with my mom somewhere." Said Nadir.
"Nigga, don't lie to me, I heard Ma yelling through the phone. You better get you ass home." Says Trent while laughing.
"Fuck you nigga." Said Nadir.
Nadir dropped Trent off at his house and headed home. When he pulled up he seen his car parked in the driveway with a brand new windshield. She smiled and turned happy cause he knew that his mom wouldn't find out about the window. 
When he walked in he ran straight upstairs to stash his dope and put his money in his safe. When he entered his room he seen, it had been taking over by his uncles who were smoking and playing 2K.
"Ahhhh Shit, Fuck Lebron stop fucking fouling." Yelled Spark.
"Lebron fouling out this quarter, he can't guard Stephen Curry quick ass. Better get Wade." Said Preem while standing up like he was actually at a free throw line.
"Why y'all in my room ?" Ask Nadir with a disturbed look.
"NAAAADIR !" Yelled Kelly from downstairs.
"I'm coming motherfucker damn..." Whispers Nadir under his breath.
He jogs downstairs and into the kitchen where Kelly was making Spaghetti. 
The kitchen in the house was like no other, since Kelly loved to cook every Sunday night and have friends over, she had the most amazing kitchen. There were two subzero refrigerators, one was for Nadir and all his juices and food and the other one was for her and all of her cooking materials. There were a total of 15 cabinets all together in the kitchen. She had 10 on her side of the kitchen and Nadir had 5 full of snacks and junk food. 
"Why is it that your geometry teacher continues to call me about your grades constantly ?" Said Kelly.
"Ma, geometry hard man. I'm trying to tell you it's not that easy. She make us copy down 5 pages if notes, give us one sheet of homework and then the next class. We have a quiz or test. She never actually teach us." Cries Nadir.
"So there's no scum thing as tutoring ?" Asked Kelly in a furious voice.
"Yeah... Yeah there is but I mean Ma, c'mon all they do is repeat what's on the notes to me. They just rush and shove it in my head, they never take the time to actually teach me." Said Nadir.
"Well how about this, your not darting that door until I see you passing geometry." Demands Kelly.
"Oh you Buggin." mumbles Nadir under his breath.
"IM WHAT ?" screams Kelly as she drops the spoon inside the pot and turns around.
"Nothing mommy, but please it's a block party tomorrow and I'm not trying to miss it cause of my dumb teacher, that's doesn't take the time to teach me." Said Nadir.
"You high ?" Said his mom grilling him in his eyes.
Nadir eyes was still a little red from earlier, but they weren't bloodshot red.
"No mommy I'm tired and I want to go to sleep, but I can't Ughhh." Cries Nadir.
"Why can't you ?" Asks Kelly
"Cause I now have to study, my butt off so I can go to that party tomorrow," explains Nadir.
Nadir was very convincing to his mother and everyone else around him, he learned that trait from his mom and dad.
"You better have your ass here, as soon as the party over with."
"Yessss, thanks mommy." Uttered Nadir.
He joggs over to the stove and kisses her on the cheek and charges to the stairs with a powerade and 5 baggies of fruit snacks. When he gets upstairs he tells Meek and his uncles about his deal.
"Pause the game, I need to talk to y'all about what I received earlier." Said Nadir 
"What You Received ? Nigga why you talking like you a spy or some shit." Says Spark laughing aloud.
"Well, The coke, I set up a deal in the Tophouse Projects." mumbled Nadir.
"Nigga, Why you set up a deal in Tophouse ? I'm going to have to kill Yanni and Hill." Uttered Preem.
"No look let me explain what the deal was. I cut them off 10 percent of every 5 sold. We will start off by moving 2 out of the 4 bricks you gave me." Said Nadir. 
The men got silent and stared Nadir in the face with no remarks to his statement. 
"But look Unc, I need a gun." Utter Nadir.
"Ok, I Got you." Said Meek.
"What Meek you fucking stupid. Nadir you not touching no fucking gun." Demanded Preem.
It was awkward seeing Preem snap and refuse to let Nadir have a gun, cause he was the hot head and was always trigger happy.
"Nigga, If he get robbed fucking with them Tophouse niggas. What the fuck we going to do ? Huh ? Ask them for it back ? We already gave this lil nigga 4 kilos. Man he growing up. He want to play this game, them I'm going to give him the whole game. Fuck holding back." Explained Meek.
Preem exhales and collapse on the bed.
"Look Nadir, I'm going to give you this baretta." Said Meek.
Meek reaches in the back of his belt loop and swipes a fully loaded chrome baretta. Nadir face lit up like Hollywood lights, when his hand touched the pistol.
"And Give this to Trent ass." Says Spark giving Nadir a M9 Pistol.
Meek, Preem , Spark and Styles walk to the door to leave.
"Oh, And Nadir...." Says Preem.
"I want some Bodies on that baretta, by next week..." Says Preem 

Chapter 5- The Greasy Wipedown

The next morning it's 12:54pm when Kelly wakes Nadir up by throwing a package from the mail on his bed. 
"Baby, Your Shoes came. What You Get ?"
"Some OG Jmmm... Mmm" says Nadir answering in his sleep.
"What Nadir wake up, I Want to know what you ordered."
Nadir doesn't respond.
"Fine, I'm going to open it myself." Demanded Kelly.
"NO MA , You know what I do when I order a pair of shoes." Screams Nadir when as he pops up out of his sleep.
"Okay, Okay." Utters Kelly.
When Nadir orders a pair of sneakers he always demands that he is the first to open it. After he opens it, he post them on social networks. Then he takes one sneaker out and puts it on top of the shoe box and places them in his sneaker closet on the 3rd floor.
"I'll open it , I'll open it cause I'm tired Ma." Mumbles Nadir.
He grabs his keys off of the table and rips the tape down the middle of the box. Kelly face turning excited to see what her son new pickup was. When Nadir seen how excited she was, he started teasing he by going slower and slower. 
"Man hurry up, Stop playing." Says Kelly giggling.
Nadir finishes off the late bit of tape and open the box, he dug through the two layers of paper and ran into a clear plastic bag.
"WHAT Nadir. Miro 7s. You lucky lil son of bitch. Flight club was the only place i seen my siz but they were sold out." Mumble Kelly admiring the sneakers.
"Check Kick sole, that's where I Got them. And I Payed 800$." Explained Nadir.
"Thats A steal baby, You still going to the party ?" Asked Kelly.
Nadir said yeah and Kelly gave him a kiss and walked out of his room.
He tries to go back to sleep but couldn't. He calls Trent twice but he doesn't answer. He texts him but he doesn't get a repsonse.
Meanwhile in Tophouse Shawn, Trilla & Wave was on the Ave plotting.
"So that nigga Nadir trying to bring work in ?" Asked Shawn.
"I mean honestly, if he is why we waiting on him to bring It in ?" Asked Trilla.
"What you Tryna say ?" Said Shawn.
"Let's go get that shit, let's give Trent and him a wipedown." Yelled Trilla.
During the middle of their plotting Blizz walks up behind them from the Alley way.
"What Y'all Niggas talking about ?" Said Blizz.
"We about to wipe you down nigga." Mumbled Wave in a hysterical voice.
"Yeah and y'all will be scooping Jaws off the concrete." Replied Blizz.
"Don't threat, cause it's three of us and one of you." Yelled Trilla.
Blizz giggles and leans against the green box and pulls out a blunt.
"So what's up for real ?" Asked Blizz again.
"You Cool with Nadir and Trent ?" Said Wave.
"Hell no, if it wasn't for Hill and Yanni, word is bond they would been on a surfacing the bottom of the Lake, and my word is bond Thoto." Explains Blizz sparking the blunt.
"Man we tryna wipedown all their operations and plans the have about moving shit in here." Says Shawn.
"Y'all going to the block party tonight right ?" Asked Blizz.
"Yeah , Of course we in there." Yells Shawn while jumping off of the curb.
Meanwhile at Nadir's house, he was plotting and thinking about if setting up shop in Tophouse was a good idea. He knew that Hill & Yanni wouldn't cross him over but at the same time he didn't want to get fucked over. He long train of thoughts were interrupted by an incoming call from Trent.
"Yo what's good ?" Said Nadir.
"Nothing saucy, word got back about the Niggas that broke your window." Explains Trent.
"What's the word thoto ?" Mumbles Nadir.
"It was supposedly Von, but I'm not sure exactly. Iesha told me that he was talking shit in Chemistry about how he needed you gone out the picture." Said Trent.
"We'll they got a lot of work to do If they think that's happening. I got a surprise for you. I'm about to shower & get dress. Then I'm coming to your house" replies Nadir.
Trent agrees and hangs up the phone. 
Nadir called Nell right after to see if she was going to the block party. He waited for her to answer while he stared his closet down getting ideas on what to wear.
"Hey hun, What you doing ?" Asked Nell.
"About to shower, shit & shave. But are you going to block party tonight ?" Questioned Nadir.
"Yes , Me and Trinice going." Uttered Nell.
"See you there." Nadir hung up the phone and got in the shower. 
When he got out it was 1:45pm going on 2o'clock. He walked to his closet to get out something to wear. 
The way his closet was set up, there were 3 walls. On the left was the side where it was all his bottoms such as Jeans, Pants, Shorts,etc. To the right hand side was all of his shirts & jackets. 
Being that Nadir got Alot of money from his mom, including his dope money. He didn't have any bills to pay. All of his money went to clothes and gas. So he had Alot of them. He kept all of his sneakers in the rooms on the 3rd floor. 
He pulled out some light colored blue denim jeans and held them up beside the shirts and walked down the path way in the closet, trying to see what shirt compliments his jeans. After standing in the middle of the closet floor  for about 20minutes he finally pulls out a Green, Orange and Black Hockey Jersey that he got customized with the last name "Ali" on the back. He dedicated to his father by using his last name & his three favorite colors. 
He threw the clothes on the bed & ran to the 3rd floor to pick out a pair of sneakers. This was always the hardest part for Nadir being that he had over 500 pairs of sneakers. 
The 3rd floor was epic, it was like something you would see on TV. It was like a foyer but with only 4 walls. It was a huge white room with nothing on the walls except shoe boxes. Kelly didn't allow anyone up stairs with shoes on. She wanted her white mink carpet to stay perfect. One wall was all of Creams shoes. Nobody had more sneakers in that house than Cream. On the other side of the wall across from Cream shoes was Kelly's wall. Kelly had about 350 pairs of sneakers she had some heels mixed in with them but most of her heels were in her bed room closet. Last but not least it's the 3rd wall with was the wall with windows in it. That was Nadirs wall, Nadir shoe collection was so close to his father, he needed about 36 more pairs of sneakers to catch up.
When he got up there he began pulling boxes down off and looking in them . He tossed about 14 pairs of shoes to the side before coming across a pair of Undefeated 4s. 
He grabbed the box and went back to his room. After he finished getting dressed Nadir darted the door at 2:13pm. He called Trent and told him to get ready cause he was on his way. Trent was always known for taking forever before a big event. He had to go through a similar process like Nadir. Except he had to do extra shit with his hair & clean the hell off of sneakers just give them an extra shine. Sometimes he probably haven't even worn the shoe before and he will still mess with the shoe stings and clean them off.
When Nadir pulled up to Trent house, Trent was walking out of house on time with his sneakers in his hand and a black book bag. He tossed the bag in the trunk and got I'm the front seat.
"What's Saucy Bruh ?" Said Trent dapping Nadir up.
"Shit, man why you ain't do all this in the house ?" Said Nadir while he was pulling off.
Trent was lacing up a pair "Wheat 13s."
"Cause I ain't feel like hearing your annoying ass mouth about me taking forever bitch." Yelled Trent.
Nadir giggled and turn the radio up. 
"What surprise you have for me ?" Asked Trent.
"Oh Hold on, Im going to show you when we leave Wendy's." mumbles Nadir.
Trent face lights up as he finish lacing up the right sneaker.
"Wait roll up, cause im not going to be hungry unless im high and who everybody that you know going tonight ?" Asks Trent.
Nadir starts drilling the list of names while he grabs the pack out of his boxers.
"Nell, Triniece, Iesha, Tamera, Fucking .... Uhhh... Von, Blizz, The whole Tophouse For real. Bruh it's just hella people going." Uttered Nadir. 
Trent nodding his head to Nadirs statement.
Meanwhile at Iesha and Tamera house  it's2:44pm and they were in the middle of blasting music and running around the house cleaning and getting dressed.
"IESHAA, can you bring my the dust pan ?" Screams Tamera while in the bathroom doorway sweeping.
Iesha comes downstairs smoking a blunt and gives her the dust pan.
"Soooo, Tamera you going to fuck with Nadir hard or y'all just fucking ?"
"I mean I like him, he is that nigga. But it's his hoes and priorities. He got too many girls for me and I'm not playing side chick to nobody." Explains Tamera.
Iesha hits the blunt one more time and hands it to her sister. 
"Why you say his priorities fucked up ? He getting money." 
Tamera takes a deep exhale after taking the spliff to reply.
"Yes he getting money, but he not getting it the legal way. I'm not trying to have no boyfriend that I have to worry about getting locked up." Said Tamera.
Nobody except Trent knew that Kelly always loaded Nadir up with money. Everybody always thought he got his money by slanging dope.
The conversation continues between the sisters and time went by fast. 
It's now 5:52pm and Nadir and Trent was parked in the back of Burger King parking lot. They have already gone through about 11 blunts, just talking and conversating about there Coke move. 
"What was the surprise bruh ?" Asked Trent.
"Ohhhhhh Yeah," Nadir gets excited as he reaches in the back seat and grabs a Nike gym bag.
He opens the bag and pulls out the pistol that his uncles gave him for Trent. 
"This yours thoto." Said Nadir. 
"SWEAR TO... BRUH I LOVE YOU. How you get us straps ?" Yelled Trent.
Nadir pulls his Barrette out and starts admiring it.
"Unc and them gave it to us. Uncle Preem said he want bodies on then by next week.
Trent smiled was full blown as he aimed his gun to the fogged up windshield and acting like was busting at somebody. 
"GLAAH , GLAAAH. Ill wipe a nigga out with this shit." Mumbles Trent. 
Nadir smiled and sat back the same thoughts going through both of the boys head about wiping somebody out.
It's Now 6:15pm when Nadir realized that the block party started at 6:00pm & they 15 minutes late. He rolls down the windows to let the pounds of smoke out. They sat up straight and sprayed the blunt spray as they got theirselves together.
"You ready ?" Asked Nadir while pulling off. 
Trent didn't respond, he was too busy I'm the middle of rolling another blunt. 
Times goes by, When they pulled up to the block party it was at an all time high. Loud weed smoke in the air, Strong scent of vodka and music on lasting down the whole street. They parked at the beginning of the street and started walking down. They seen Shawn, Wave & Trilla rolling dope and smoke cigarettes. They walked down a little further and seen Triniece and Nell dancing by theirselves to the music with cups in their hands. 
Right next to them was Von, Shade, Beem and the rest of they crew talking to Iesha and Tamera.
"You peep Who Iesha talking to ?" Asked Nadir.
"Yeah, C'mon." Said Trent charging in that direction.
"Whatsssss Saucy Iesha & Tamera ?" Said Trent jumping in the middle of the circle while bumping and hitting Von & Beem. He puts his arm around Iesha and walks in the opposite direction of Triniece. Nadir picked up Tamera and skeerted to. But he didn't put his arm around Tamera they just walked side by side.
Nadir and Trent both had probably more than 20 bitches there each. So Nadir wasn't trying to risk anything by even looking like he came or brought Tamera. Trent on the other hand just didn't give a fuck. 
Before they made their way past the other side of the block party, Hill and Yanni called Nadir to tell him to meet them at the front where they parked to talk Buisness. Nadir agreed and told Trent. When they were walking back towards that way they seen Hill not Yanni. They kept walking down and seen Yanni walking up behind Hill. Coming towards her was a all black body on a mountain bike. The body sped up and slowed down as it got closer to Yanni. 
Trent and Nadir was still approaching Hill. The voice on the bike screamed Yanni's name through the loud music. Yanni turned around swiftly and was shot directly in the forehead twice. The man on the bike bust a U-turn and sped away. 


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