Greed & Gold - 3 The Hard Way (Chapters 11-21)

Chapter 11- The Shot
Smoke , Nino and Preem ripping and running through the hotel hallways. Cream, Pedro, Chucky and Spank grabbing all the important essentials from their rooms. Preem tries to call Spark but it goes straight to voicemail everytime. Cream closes the doors and head to the elevator. 
He gets a call from Preem "Spark phone going straight to voicemail." 
Cream responds "Meet Me In The lobby, hurry up." 
In The Lobby the hotel doors swings open and in walks Cook and Stacy. The first elevator door slides open and out walks Cream, Pedro, Chucky, Spank. Spank eyeing Stacy from across the lobby. 
He taps Cream and asks, "Isn't that Stacy ? Who she With ?" 
Cream wisphers "Fall back" ask he pulls Chucky and Spank behind the rectangular column. Niño comes out of the elevator and spots Spank posted behind the column. He jogs over to them "Why y'all hiding behind this ?" 
Spank explains to him that Stacy and Cook are across the lobby coming over to get on the elevators. 
Smoke wisphers to Preem, "Wait here and tell us what floor this elevator stop on." 
The group sprints to the stairs, Preem foot tapping the group rapidly waiting for the elevator to stop. The elevator stops at 5 and runs to the steps and yells up the stairs, 
"It's stopped at 5 son !" But by this time the group were already running up the stairs on the third floor.
Stacy and Cook exit the elevator on the 5th floor. The same floor as the vending machines. Passing up the machines, Cook reaches in his pocket and grabs the room key, he stops at the 4th room down from the machines, the same room that Keesh and Chance went in. The stairway door burst open and Niño pulls his gun, the loud noise from the door handle banging against the wall shocked Cook and Stacy. Niño fires his 9mm once and hits the wall. Cook fires back to hold off the heat while he opens the door.
The shots startle Meek and Spark who was in the middle of having sex with Chance And Keesh. Meek was on top of Chance rolls off of the bed to take cover. Spark dives off of the bed into the bathroom, leaving his gun in his pants pocket at the foot of the bed. Cook unaware that the two brothers are in his room, he dashes into the first closet and closes the door , Stacy follows behind him and runs into the bathroom. She opens the door and sees Spark laying on the floor with his boxers on. He jumps up and grabs her and puts his hand over her mouth, to prevent her from uttering a word or sound. Niño and the rest of the group now are kicking and shooting the room door , trying to get past the key lock. Cook screams Stacy name from inside the closet and gets no response, all he could here is the screaming from Chance and Keesh. He kicks the closet door open and steps out. Within a split second he's shot in the ankle and shin by Meek who was laying on the floor of the inside of the the two beds. The pain of the bullet piercing his leg forced Cook to drop and empties his clip around the room hitting the headboard , walls, mirrors and Television . Hearing the clicking sound of an empty clip Meek stands up. 
"Spark come out the bathroom."
Spark opens the door and pushes Stacy out first. 
"WTF ?" screams Meek as he sees Stacy enter the room.
He walks to the door to let Smoke and the rest of the group in. Their faces turned shocked as they enter the room in the order of Smoke, Spank, Pedro, Cream and Niño. They see Cook laying in the flor bleeding to death and Keesh and Chance crying naked behind the bed. Preem enters the room last and out of breath he sees Spark standing in the middle of the floor with his boxers on and Meek the same way. 
He laughs hysterically until he starts to cry, "The air condition on bruh." Giving the joke that Meek and Spark had small dicks. But nobody in the room laughed except him.
"Nigga this ain't no game," screams Pedro. 
Cream crotches over Cook, "Where my fucking girl at ?" 
Cook look Cream in his eye an mumbles "You're a dead man." 
Meek walks over to Cook and puts his gun on safety, and hits him in the face with the handle of the gun. 
"Where Gotti & Rich at ? You better start talking. Cook at this point is now leaking blood out of his nose and mouth like a water faucet. 
"Fuck this !" Screams Smoke. He walks to the closet that Cook went into, and grabs a wire hanger, he bends it straight and sticks it into the bullet word in his shin, "Where he at Nigga ?" Cook crying out in pain screams "East Harlem, all I Know Is East Harlem."
Preem walks over to Keesh and Chance, "Y'all the bitches that was with him earlier in the lobby." He turns to Cook and asked him who are they. Cook remains silent, Chucky steps on his leg and begins stomping on it until he talks. 
"Man it's Keesh and Chance, they Gotti and Rich girls, I was told to bring them here so y'all couldn't get to him they called me after they left the club. 
Meek grills Stacy, "Oh so you like being a side bitch ?" 
Stacy give Meek an attitude , "Like You treated me any Different." 
The room gets silent and everyone watches Meek and Stacy stare at one anther for about 10 seconds. Cream reaches in his pockets and pulls out Meek phone and calls Stacy's number back. He waits while it rings 3 times, before the same deep voice answers again. 
"Yo, Keesh and Chance so damn thick right now." 
The raspy voice responds quickly, "Bitch I Will Kill You." 
Cream laughs and tells him to meet at the plaza in 2hours with Kelly. 
"Let's split y'all, get them bitches dress.The Feds going to swarm this shit any second now." Pedro grabs Cooks keys out of his pocket and give him a headshot at point blank range. They leave out of the back of the hotel. In the first truck is Cream, Preem, Spark, Meek with Stacy and Chance tied up in the trunk. In Smoke and Ninos white van is Niño, Smoke, Spank, Chucky, Pedro and Keesh tied up in the trunk.

Chapter 12- The Exchange
The Plaza was an abandon building that was once before was a club, The Brothers would go sit in the big parking lot across the street because they Preem was too young to go into the club. They had this motto where, If one wasn't allowed then they shut the whole thing down. They would bring a lot of bitches and play loud music out of the speakers of Thier cars. It went out of Buisness a couple of months after the Anthem was built. Some may say it went out of buisness beacuse of the Anthem, and some might say because of all the dramatic shootings that went on everytime the clubs was over.
Cream drops Preem and Niño off two blocks down from the Plaza just in case something goes wrong they can run up out of no where. Cream tells Pedro to wait for the call to pull up, in case they think that it's too many people and not want to follow through. Pedro parks at the "Chicken Joint," which was across the street. The Chicken Joint was a food spot all the broke people in the hood to get good cheap meals. You could get a 4pc and some fries for $3.00 When Your High and hungry. A lot of dope boys and crack heads hung around the front and It was the only place in the hood that will illegally sell minors cigars and other tobacco. So you will often see some bad ass kids running in and out of thier.
Cream pulls in the parking lot of the plaza and sees a chair covered by a thick black comforter. He drives a few steps away from the person and gets out. 
He walks up to the person and ask "Who is in there ?" 
He gets no responds except an heavy deep breath. He shoots the chains off of the bag and removes the bag. It's Kelly who has been brutally beating and mouth duck taped. He grabs her and takes her back to the van. When he opens the door he's immediately shot at twice. He tosses Kelly to Meek who was in the back seat of the van. He turns and shoots at all black body about 30 yards away. Spark get out of the passenger side and busts his gun 4 times. Hitting the body, when he see the body stumble back and fall, he begins to walk up to him.
 "SPARK, SPARK Come back. Let's go we got to get to the hospital." Yells Cream. 
Spark pulls out his phone and calls Preem and tell him to run to the Chicken Joint and tell Pedro and Niño to meet them at the hospital. Cream speeds put of the parking and get on the highway to go to the emergency room. He looks in the back seat every three seconds at Kelly while he continues to speed down the street. 
He screams and asks her "Who did this shit to you ?" 
Kelly unable to respond and struggling to stay alive. She has a swollen eye and bruised face with blood dripping from her nose. When he realizes that she is unable to respond and barley keep her eye open it only made him more upset as he start to choke the wheel. They pull up to hospital and carry her inside. 
"Help Help we need help." Screams Smoke in a frantic voice to the doctors and nurses in the lobby. 
A nurse but the name of Jesse Williams runs up to the group with a stretcher bed. They place Kelly on the bed and the nurse rushes her to the back of the hospital. The front door fly open and in walks Pedro, Preem, Niño, Spank and Chucky. They walk up to Cream who pacing back and forth. 
"What's good, Y'all found her ?" Ask Spank. 
Cream looks left to right and eyes and tells him, "They beat her half to death Thoto."
They go sit down in the waiting room and talk. Cream tells them how they found Kelly and how he is lost about the whole situation. 
Chucky stands up and start demanding, "I say we get the word from the doctors about Kelly, and see if she straight and If she not straight then them three bitches out there die."
Smoke stands up "No, Y'all not killing my sister." 
The group exchange confused looks at one another until Spank tells them to call Gotti. To hurt to talk Cream reaches in his pocket and hands Meek back his phone. 
"Damn we're you going to let me know that I had texts ?" said Meek with a Sarcastic voice. 
He looks around and sees that his side joke wasn't amusing to the others at this point. Meek dials Stacy number and waits while it rings.
After 3 minutes of calling and reaching voicemail, Meek gives in and hangs the phone up. 
The doctor breaks the silence that the men were sitting in, "Party of Kelly James ?" 
The group bombards the doctor with questions. He gives the men an dramatic pause and says, "Kelly James is in a survere condition our nurses are still treating her, she has suffered 2 broken ribs and a fractured jaw including a broken wrist."
The doctor takes a deep breath the he watches the men face turn like Farris wheels. 
He continues talking "There are some signs of pregnancy, we aren't exactly sure yet but we will run a couple more test." 
Cream wipes his trying to hold his tears. Niño walks out of the hospital with Smoke and Chucky. Pedro calls Storm to tell her the news Spark collapses with Meek and Cream in the chairs against the wall and puts head inside his arms. 
"C'mon I'm not about to let y'all get all soft and sad on me." Yells Preem.
Preem gathers all the men and they head outside to the parking lot and walks to Creams truck. Huffing and puffing he pops his trunk and hits Keesh with an excruciating blow to her jaw, Meek follows up with a two piece. Preem and Pedro pulls them back out of the trunk and closes it. "Y'all niggas bugging Forreal." Said Pedro.
"I'm down to do whatever to these niggas but we can't beat they bitches up too." explains Pedro. 
Cream snatches away from Pedro and sits on the back bumper and pulls out his Newports. He hands Meek and Spark one. Dead silence hearing the tobacco paper shred and the ashes hitting the ground. Pedro pulls out a blunt and sparks it up. He tells the group to get in rotation but nobody moves. 
"Let's hit that nigga crib up." Says Spank. 
Meek responds to him "We got to wait, he not even picking up his phone. And I don't know where he stay." 
Smoke tells them to get off the bumper and he opens the trunk. He snatches Keesh up and tells her what to say on the call, then he pulls out his cell phone and calls Gotti cell phone, the phone rings twice and he picks up. 
"What's Good." Said Gotti.
"It's Keesh, we escaped when they went into the hospital meet us at the park across the street from the anthem." 
The phone hangs up and the men close the trunk. They finish smoking the blunt down to a roach and then they load back up into the van and truck. This time Meek drove Creams truck and Cream was in the passenger. Niño calls Meek to tell meet at Spark and Spank house to get equipped before heading to the park. Preem in the backseat tells Meek to turn the music down. Pondering on the fact that Gotti never showed up for the first exchange, then why would he show up now. 
"Yo if Gotti never showed up for the first exchange, then why you think he going to show up now ?" mumbled Preem. 
"Somebody showed up cause they shit at me." said Cream. 
Preem sits up in his sit ,"You never mentioned anybody shooting at y'all when y'all found Kelly." "I never said nothing cause I slipped my mind I was so anxious and nervous about Kelly." 
"So now you think it's a good time to let me know y'all got shot at ?" Questioned Preem
"Preem stop fucking bitching man, I forgot to tell you oh well bruh I'm good. I wasn't worried about that shit at the time." Screams Cream. 
Preem sits back and slouches in his seat. 
The boys are a turn away from the house when they are stopped at a red light. Meek sits up and look at Spank and Spark house and he notices the house surrounded with police cars and forensics. Meek shoots a text to Pedro phone and tells him to tell Niño to follow his move. When the light strikes green Meek makes a right at the light going towards the house but instead of getting into the right lane and making right into the street  to pull into the back of their house he continues straight. Stopped by another red light just a few steps from the house. The tension in the two vehicles rises, two vans full of armored weapons and drugs not to mention the females hogtied up in each trunk. Hoping that the police doesn't pull them over, Niño gets into the right lane and turns at the light. 
Pedro texts Meek and tells him. "Meet us at the McDonalds up here."

Chapter 13- The Big News
When they get to the McDonalds, Meek gets out of and slams the door with all his might. Niño pulls in and parks on the other side of the parking lot and they walk over to Creams truck seeing them sitting on the bumper. 
"What the fuck was that ?" Yells Spank. 
"Exactly how the fuck they know where we stay." responds Spark. 
Cream sparks another cigarette and asks them "What y'all had in the house that y'all could get booked for ?"
 "In my room under the bed I had a couple hundred dollars and AR-15." Mumbles Spank. 
"I didn't have nothing in mine but some bud. All our artillery that we need to ship out is on the basement, and that's least 50 grand worth. Not to mention our local shit we sell. If I add it all up we got at least 200-300 guns down there." Explains Spark.
The group all thinking hard about how and why the police would raid Spark and Spanks house out of everyone's. 
"What time is ?" Asked Smoke while yawning and rubbing his eyes.
 He doesn't get and answer, this time he repeats himself with a lot more authority. 
Spark pulls out his phone and says "4:12am." 
Smoke picks his head up and looks at the sky. "Let's go home Thoto, it's 4oclock in the morning and we got what we want, Kelly is in a safe place."
Niño nods his head in agreement and speaks up, "Let's make moves what y'all want to do with these two bitches." 
"I said we killing them." Mumbles Chucky under his breath. 
Smoke interrupts him, "Wait, don't kill my sister." 
Preem grill him for two seconds and jogs to the from seat of Creams truck and opens the glove compartment and come back with an all black rectangular box with the letters "CWW" engraved in red writing on the top. He opens it and it is two silver silencers. He grabs one and screws it onto his 9mm. Spark grabs the other silencer out of the boo and Meek hands him his 9mm and proceeds to do the same. They open the trunk and pulls Stacy out. When her feet touches the asphault they let of two shots apiece on Keesh. They hand the guns over to Pedro and Chucky and they walk across the parking and pops the trunk and empties the clip on Chance, they close the close it and walk back over to the group to get directions. When they get over there Cream was in mid conversation. 
"So just drop me off at the hospital and I'll let y'all deal with this bitch. I still want to get at Gotti and Rich in the morning though." 
They load back up in the vehicles and head to the hospital. When they drop Cream off he daps them up and throws on his hoode and heads inside. 
He walks up to the front desk and ask "Excuse Me Ma'am what room is Kelly James In." 
The nurse looks at him and then reads the patience list and whispers "1230, 2nd Floor." 
"Thank You Ma'am." Cream heads towards the elevator and goes to the 2nd floor. 
When the door open he walks directly ahead to read the direction plate on the wall. He turns left and heads for the room. When he walks in the room he sees Kelly laid in the bed with a head bandage wrapped around her forehead and different wires and IV's hooked to her arms with an oxygen mask covering her nose. He comes up closer to her and kisses her on the cheek while holding the tears from falling from his right eye. 
"Excuse me Sir." Cream emotional moment is interrupted by the doctor that talked to him in the lobby earlier. "Sir can I speak with you in the hallway." 
Cream walks in the hallways with the doctor. "So what's with her ?" 
The doctor raises his clip board to chest level and starts explaining, "Kelly is unconscious right now, we gave her some medication because she was putting a pretty good fight wihen we attempted drawing blood." 
Cream pull his pants up and makes a confusing face, "What you mean give her medication? Y'all can't draw blood without her consent." 
The doctors studders and backs up. "Not technically Sir, we had probable cause because of the sign of pregnancy." 
Cream goes into a daze and falls against the wall.
 The doctor continues talking, "Kelly is 2 weeks pregnant, we have no sign of the sex just yet but the treatment we are giving her she will make a fast recovering and the baby will survive." 
He gives Cream a firm handshake and tells him he will be back to check on Kelly in a few. On the way back into the room, Cream phone rings and it's Preem. 
 "Tell me something Saucy," said Cream. 
Saucy means something interesting or appealing to them.
 "We just dumped them bitches, Me and Meek about to drop Pedro and Chucky off cause has to work in like 3 hours. Niño and Smoke letting Spark and Spank stay at they crib." 
"What about Stacy ?" 
Preem gives a quick response, "Oh yeah she went home with her brothers I guess they going to do family discipline. But what's up with Kelly ?" 
"We'll looks like y'all going to have a niece or nephew." 
Preem with an exciting voice says "Word up, I'm proud of you man congratulations, If it's a boy it's going to be just like us." 
Cream voice turns desperate ,"that's what I wanted to talk to y'all about tonight but now I'm going to watch n the inside of my eyelids."

Chapter 14- The Trap House
When Cream wake up, It's 11:24am he grabs his phone and see 3 missed calls. Two from Preem  and one from the "757" number. He puts his head in his lap and calls Preem. Preem answer and tell him that they will be there to scoop him 12:30 to get him. Cream tells him to bring him a change of and his charger. When he hangs up the phone he sits back and Kelly was grilling him. "Your going to give your life to them niggas ain't you." 
Cream takes a deep frustrated exhale. "I got to do this shit Kelly, weather you like it or not." "Nadir Jaheer Ali, it means Rare Handsome Prince if it's a boy and I hope your dumb ass here to see him." 
"My word I will be here for my baby, but as of now can you tell me anything that you remember from what happen ?" 
Kelly rolls her eyes, "Get the fuck out Cream." 
"What the fuck you mean get out, Some Niggas beat the shit out of you and I trying to figure out what's going on?" Screams Cream. 
"I'm here right ? I'm going to survive right ? Your child is okay right ?" explains Kelly. 
Cream pounces up, "What If you wasn't okay and My baby didn't survive? Why you bugging like I'm not trying to help right now ?" 
"Cream everything is about revenge with you, you always think you have to go get someone back. For god sakes Cream your about to have a family and your already putting us in jeopardy." Cream now eyeing Kelly with a angry look, "Did you know you were pregnant ?" 
"I found out when you left yesterday and I took the test." Explained Kelly.
Cream phone vibrates and he leaves the conversation.
 "Who's that ? One of those bitches you be entertaining ?" mumbles Kelly. 
"Your really tripping now, it's fucking Preem. First you argue with me for trying to protect you then you accuse me of cheating ?" 
Kelly rolls her eyes and turns the TV on they was on the wall across from her. 
"Preem come up here and bring the clothes and charger the room is 1230 on the 2nd floor." Cream hangs the phone and walks over Kelly, he gives her on the lips but she doesn't kiss it back. 
"Really, Your going to act this petty?" Asks Cream.
 She turns her head and Cream stock two fingers on her nose in an attempt to flirt. Kelly smirks and smacks his hand down. 
"So you going to talk to me now?"
 Kelly takes a deep breath and turns her head back and looks Cream in his eye for about 20 seconds. Her sentence was cut short before it could start by a knock on the door from Preem as they enter the room. 
"What's Good Kid." says Meek while he daps Cream up. 
Preem hands him the clothes and charger. He plugs his phone up and goes to the bathroom to change. 
"Hey Kelly , how you feeling ?" ask Preem. 
Kelly ignores his question and sits up, "Promise me something Preem, Promise you will bring him back safe." 
Preem looks at her them looks at Meek and Spark. "I promise." said Spark from the corner of the room. 
Cream walks back into the awkward silence, "Y'all ready ?" 
He walks to the wall and pulls his charger out of the wall. The brothers say their goodbyes to Kelly as the walk out the door. 
"Cream" says Kelly under her breath. He stops in the door and turns around. "I love you baby." 
He makes a detour back to the bed and leans into Kelly, 
"Whats your favorite place in the world ?" 
Kelly grins and says, "Your bed." 
Cream kisses her and says "I ment in the world but I knew I love you for some reason." 
He gives her another kiss and walks to the door. When he hits the doorway he turns around and tells her, "Kelly, I love you too." Leaving Kelly with a huge grin.
He jogs into the elevator while Meek holds his hands in the doorway keeping it open. 
"Where Spank At ?" Ask Cream.
"He ain't want to leave, he said he was tired." responds Spark.
Leaving the hospital Cream notices that they drove Meeks car, which was a all white Mercedes Benz S550 with white rims. Meek gets into the drivers seat, Preem gets in the passenger and Cream and Spark hop in the back. Pulling out of the parking lot, Spark begins telling Cream the information they have on Skryz. 
"He got a lil jersey condo, that's probably where he will go." He starts rolling a blunt. 
"He probably packing as we speak," utters Spark while he licks the cigar.
"We going to catch him, Cream you got a cigarette ?" asking Meek as he hits the stop light. 
"No I'm all out, I was about to tell you to stop at this gas station." Repeats Meek.
When the light strikes green Meek cuts off the car behind him and hops into the far left lane to turn into the gas station. He pulls in and Preem and Cream open start to open the doors before he stops the car fully. Approaching the door, Cream hand touches the door handle to the store but he doesn't pull it open. 
He pulls Preem back to the side of the building, "I can't be tripping, but I see this nigga Gotti at the register." 
"Let's fucking go then," said Preem. 
"My clip empty." mumbles Cream. 
"Thoto You can't be serious right now." Preem puts his arm on Creams shoulder. 
"You mean to tell me that we got all this beef on our plate and you mean to tell me you walking around naked ?" 
"Nigga it's not my fault Pedro and Chucky emptied my clip on them bitches last night, it's not like I walk around with an extra clip." cries Cream. 
"I don't know why not." utters Preem while he pulls out a fully loaded clip for a .30. 
Cream shows him his 40 calibur. 
"Fuck Cream you slipping, come on." mumbles Preem under his breath. 
They jog back to the car and hop in. 
"Y'all got the shit ? That was fast." says Meek putting the car into reverse. 
"No, Gotti in there and we couldn't pop kid cause Cream got an empty clip." 
"How in the fuck could you have an empty clip at this point ?" scream Meek while smoking the spliff. 
Before Cream could respond he's interrupted by Spark. "There he go right there." 
Gotti was coming out of the store and he gets into a red minivan. 
"Follow him, hurry up."said Cream
Meek hits the spliff one more time and hands it to Preem as he backs out of the parking spot. He gets 3 cars behind the van. Meek reaches on the side of the door and hand Cream another 40 calibur. He the reaches under the seat and grabs a shotgun and lays it on his lap. Spark reaches inside of a black Reebok duffle bag that was sitting in between his legs and draws a Mac 11. Preem shoves the clips into his two 9mms. After following the van for a good 5 minutes. It stops and parks infront of an orange house on the corner. 
Meek drives past the house and parks a block down.
"Y'all want to run in there now or wait ?" says Spark throwing his hood on his head. 
Without responded Cream and Meek opens their doors and run across the street. Cream and Meek makes a quick right into the alley going into the back of the house. Preem and Spark continues running straight to the front of the house. Preem counting to three slowly and quietly. "1,2" before he could get to 3 the front door opens and out walks a unfamiliar man about 6'3 carrying a black duffle bag. Spank sprays him in the chest forcing him to collapses in the doorway. You could hear the females voice screaming and a lot of movement from inside the house. Preem runs up to the doorway and is slightly missed by two bullets that hits the wall and the doorway. He jumps to the side of the house. Meanwhile in the back Meek leading infront of Cream creeping to the door. The door busts open and out comes a lightskin girl with red hair similar to Chance. She reaches for her gun but is shot once in the chest by Meeks powerful shotgun. Cream jumps infront of him and runs up the steps, struggling to see inside the house Cream steps on a broken mirror that was laid on the porch, and holds it up in the doorway trying to see in the kitchen, it's shots down out of his hand within five seconds. 
"FUCK, I can barely see Meek, but I can see it's two niggas in the kitchen one facing us and one facing the front door." Mumbling Cream through the loud gun fire.
"Preem and Spark must be giving them heat from the front." Replies Meek.
Cream rolls off of the side of the house and shoots each guy in the kitchen twice in the chest. Meek follows up and they begin creeping though the hallway side by side. Meek throws his hand across Creams chest forcing him to stop walking. He points to the bottom of the bathroom door and they see shadows moving from inside. 
"Whoever's in the bathroom, bring your ass out nowhere catch this flaze" yells Meek. 
The bathroom doors open slowly and out come a petit lighskin girl with blue hair. She turns around and looks at Cream and Meek in the eye. "Holy shit it's you guys." 
Preem and Spark runs in house hearing the sound of the girl. Spark runs up the stairs waving his gun. He sees four rooms when he hits the top of the stairs, two on the left were wide open and the two on the right were closed. He tries to kick it open but he is bombarded and knocked over by Skryz rushing out of the room and hitting the stairs. Spark falls over and his gun falls out of his hands. "He coming down the stairs." 
Meek and Preem rush to the foot of the stairs and aim their gun at Skryz stopping him in the middle of his escape. Meek pulls him by his shirt down the stairs and hits him in the face with the side of the shotgun and watches the blood leak from his nose and mouth. Preem starts patting him down and searching him. Spark kicks open the door and sees The window open , he runs to and sees Gotti running out of the driveway and getting into the van with Stacy. He runs back downstairs quickly. 
"Gotti just hit the window with Stacy, they hopped in the van and drove back down towards the gas station." 
Preem walks over to the girl that was now siting on the floor infront of Cream trembling. He sits one of his guns down and kneels then pulls the girl hair and aims the other one under her chin at point blank range. 
"Where Gotti go ? Where Rich At ?" 
Preem's questioning was cut off by Spark who was jumping up and down screaming 
"Fuck that bitch, let's go man, let's fucking go before the Feds flood,this shit." 
"He right" said Meek, "Let's go." 
Preem stands up and Cream shoots the girl in the forehead. Spark runs not the porch and grabs the black bag that the man was carrying. On the way out the back door Cream picks up the bag off of the counter in the kitchen, Preem scoops the last bag in the backyard. When they arrive in the car Meek pulls off and they all unzip the bags. In Preem's bag is about 3 kilos of coke with a folded piece of paper attached to it. In Sparks bag was the exact same thing. When Cream looks in his bag it was an ounce of weed with the same paper attached. They pull the papers off and compares them, they read them and they notice it has all the same address. 
"Yo this Niño and Smoke address. This the house that me and Spank stayed at last night." yells Spark. 
"How you know that thats their address ?" questioned Meek. 
"Nigga everywhere I go I look at the address, We've been in so many set ups and predicaments that that shit just comes as a habit." Explained Spark. 
"Call Spank ASAP." mumbled Preem moving the drugs around in the bag digging to see if it's anything else in there. Spark dials Spank number twice but it's rings and goes to voicemail. He calls back three times but the same thing happen. "He not answering."

Chapter 15- The Snakes In The Grass
Meek steps on the gas and heads to the address. Preem zips the bag back up.
 "So why and how the fuck did Stacy get to Gotti's Spot? And where the fuck is Nino and Smoke ?" 
"Remember when Pedro called us and told us that Nino and Smoke wanted us toe tagged and then that night Stacy said Nino and Smoke wanted to takeover." said Cream. 
Preem  interrupts him, "Yeah but that don't mean shit, cause they had plenty chances of killing us."
 "When did Stacy come to our spot ?"questioned Meek 
"You was in the Hospital" mumbles Cream.
"All this is confusing," said Spark. 
Remember when we was about to kill Keesh and Chance and Smoke said "Don't Kill My Sister." Why would he want to save her if she's a prime suspect in the kidnapping of his other sister and she tried to them up. Explained Cream. 
Preem turned around, "Maybe she wasn't setting them up, maybe they were setting us up. I mean think about how did them motherfuckers get to our crib that fast when Kelly got kidnapped." 
Cream sister back and looks out of the window. Meek now doing 75 and they are a down street from the address.
Time goes by and they pull to the house, they get out and knock on the door. But nobody answers. Preem walks to the back of the house and knocks a couple of time but nobody comes to the door so he walks back to the front,
 "Nobody answered the back door." Said Preem.
"Fuck that I left my brother here." said Spark.
 He kicks open the door and sees Spank laying in a pool of his own blood. 
"NOOOOO" cries Spark in a raspy voice. 
He runs over to him and lifts up his head and lays it in his lap, he kept shaking his head and tapping his cheek. 
"Wake up Spank, Wake up. You can't leave me baby boy no." Spark crying a waterfall and holding his brothers head. Preem, Meek and Cream all started to tear up, seeing Thier childhood friend killed in some beef that was Thier fault. Spark looks at the bottom of the wall and sees the letters "NS" written in blood. 
"Look at this y'all." Yells Spark while starring at the baseboard.
The brothers walk over to Spark, "What? Look at what ?" asked Meek.
 Spark points to the bottom of the wall and they see letters. 
"Oh Shit," said Meek that can't mean....
"Nino and Smoke, Spank was letting us know who killed him" Preem finishes off Meeks sentence. 
"Let's go" said Cream. 
"No I'm not leaving my brother here like this, I can't I just can't." Said Spark. 
"I understand that, but at this point we can't afford to have both of y'all gone. Neighbors hearing two sets of gunshots in less than 10 minutes. The cops about to flood this shit." Explains Cream Meek pulls Spark by his arms from under Spank. And the brothers walk out and get in the car. "Okay, so Nino and Smoke bagged Spank." whispers Meek under his deep breath. 
"But why have their address on the work if they not going to be home ?" 
Preem cuts off Cream sentence, "C'mon man Gotti tipped them off, he had to."
 Cream grabs Spark shoulder, "We going to get these niggas, that's my work son." 
"Wait, Where my gun bruh" Preem looking around his seat and emptying his pockets.
 The car look at him as he begins panicking searching back and forth.
 "It's right here in the cup holder." Say Meek. 
"No, No I had twin 9's nigga, this is just one of them." 
Meek tells him to think hard on where he had it last. 
"Okay, I left them in the car when we went inside Smoke house. I had both of them when we raided Gotti and Rich's spot. Oh shit, I left it on the floor when I was asking that girls questions. "Fuck Preem are you serious right now ?" Yells Cream starring him down from the backseat. 
"At least I wasn't walking around with a empty gun and I wasn't thinking about picking it up, Spark was rushing me." 
"Hold up bitch, don't bring me into this shit, now is not the time." demanded Spark. 
"Take me back to get it Meek. Before the Feds search it." Demanded Preem.
Meek leans back in his seat and pulls a blunt out of the ashtray, "The feds all over that shit twenty minutes ago. You just better hope that they don't fingerprint that shit." 
Preem leans back into the seat and bites his fingernails. "Where we going now then ?" 
Meek tells them that they were going to White Castle to get something to eat then going to get some more Niggerellos and cigarettes. 
"We'll let me make myself hungry." Preem reaches in the glove compartment and starts rolling up using the last rello.
Cream begins thinking about where Gotti and Rich could be at this point and Is Nino and Smoke and Stacy with them. He unlocks his phone and goes to his call log, he stares at the "757"number that he had a missed call from earlier. He begins thinking about how Smoke got the same number. He clicks the number and texts "Where You At." The number reads the message at "2:10pm." When Cream looks up he sees the bright lights from a squad car in the back of him. 
"Oh shit, the feds behind us." Mumbles Meek. 
"Pull up at this gutter right here." whispers Preem. 
Preem and Meek crack their door and they start tossing all the duffle bags and guns out of crack of the door into the gutter. 
"What you go in your trunk Meek ? ask Cream 
"I got a shotgun and a couple pairs of sneakers." Responds Meek.
"They can't check the trunk." Mumbles Spark. 
"If they have a probable cause they can and I know they going to smell this weed." responds Cream. 
At this point Preem and Spark has gotten all the drugs and weapons out of the car. 
The officer comes up to window and request a license and registration. Meek lifts up the armrest and hands him the registration along with his license. 
"Sir did you realize you just ran a stop sign and were doing 75 in a 55 miles zone." Says the disrespectful Officer.
"No sir, I didn't realize I'm sorry." Responds Meek.
 I also smell a very strong scent of marijuana sir." Utters the officer.
"Yes officer, I do have a cigar rolled." Meek holds up the half smoked blunt and sits it back down in the ashtray. 
Meek knew that by being honest about the one blunt that it wouldn't get him in much trouble. Cream phone vibrates and he unlocks it, it's a message from the "757", it read 
"Well looks like y'all getting booked." 
Cream thinks about the last time they got pulled over and how it wasn't legit. Another squad car pulls infront of brothers and turns it's lights on. Cream then realizes that it's a legit arrest. 
He goes to his text log and text Storm and tells her to come down to the precinct in an 1hr with about 50 grand in bail money. After he texts His lawyer and tells him to meet them at the precient also. All 3 of the brothers have the same lawyer a Jewish man man by the name of "Clint Gatlin." The officer comes back to the car demand everyone step out, Meek grabs the half smoke blunt and drops it on the ground before being arrested,and watched it roll under the car out of sight, so that the officer had no proof he smelled marijunia when they read the charges.  The officers spend five minutes searching the men then putting them in into the squad cars.

Chapter 16- The Closed Mouths Get Fed
When they arrive at the precient they'er immediately cavity searched and taken to get their picture snapped and their fingerprints done. After they toss all of the brothers inside of the same holding cell. 
"Don't say shit until our lawyers arrive, I got storm coming with bail money." Mumbled Cream.
The men all nod their head in agreement.
"How you contact the lawyer and Storm ?" Asked Preem. 
Cream leaning against the wall says, "I texted her when I seen that second police car pull up." The door of the cell slides open and the arresting officer tosses in another man. He was about 5'8 with an Afro. When he walks in he stares Preem down. 
"We gotta talk y'all." Said Cream. 
"I'm listening to you," mumbles Preem, while he grills his new cell mate. 
"I'm serious Preem, I'm not playing bruh." Demands Cream.
Preem stands up, "Do it look like I have on fake ears ?" 
Cream jumps in his face, "Then pay attention and stop eyeing this faggot." 
Preem stares the man down until he sits back down. "So what's up Cream ?" 
"I'm getting out this shit."whispers Cream. 
Spark cuts his conversation off "We all getting out this bitch." 
No I'm not talking about out of this dumb ass cell, I'm talking about the game."
"What game, this is not a game. This is your fucking life, we ain't just in for two moths worth a rent" Meek laughs and his statement turns into a full fledge yell. 
"Well whatever you call it, I'm finish." Yells Cream.
Spark speaks up after a couple quiet head nods, "Give me three good reasons why ?" 
"What you mean give you some reasons ? You want reasons? Okay, Well how about ain't shit going good for us. We just lost a brother to this petty bullshit. Last but not least I'm about to have a family kid. We ain't have dad, mommy and storm was our dad and I'm not going out like that. My fucking child son or daughter going to wake up and see me in the morning before they go off to school." Explains Cream.
"This beef got you shook up for real." said Preem. 
"Oh yeah ? I'm shook up, coming from a nigga that left they fucking pistol at a crime scene." "CHILL OUT MAN, This not the time for the blame game" screams Meek. 
He shakes his leg and a pack of Newports falls out of his pants. He hands all the brothers a stoogie and talks to Cream, 
"I'm not and never will leave this game, but I understand where you coming a little bit. Cream all I hear is you saying your going to leaving your old family for your new family." Explains Meek.
"I'm not leaving y'all, but at the same time I'm not going to be doing this drug shit and using guns and watching my back every time I have to go to the store or go out in public to make sure nobody runs up on me." Replies Cream.
"Whatever Kelly telling you is working and that's word." Whispers Preem. 
"So you telling me that I can't make my own decisions now ? Preem I'm getting real tired of your shit." 
"So what you going to do for a living ?" Ask Preem in a calm voice. 
"I can't speak for y'all savings but I got 1mil and some change saved up. I'm going to buy a Jersey condo and invest the rest in my family and sneaker Buisness and I'm going to write a book." 
"A book ? A book about what ?" questioned Spark.  
"About this life, the fame and the trouble, the ups and down, the good and the bad. Everybody want to be a drug dealer and gangster." 
The detective cuts off Cream during his emotional story and calls for Preem, "Preem Stillz , your up for questioning." 
Preem walks to the front of the cell as they open it. Before he walks out he turns to look at Cream, "Guess we not In it together ?" 
The detective yanks him by his arm and takes him into the room. Three more different detectives come and round up Meek, Spark, and Cream.
Meanwhile in Preem's interrogation,
"Officer you have a lighter I could use to smoke this cigarette ?"
The officer slides an ashtray with a lighter inside of it to Preem. 
"So Preem Stillz you understand that your going down ?" 
"Listen officer whatever your name is, this is not a movie or tv episode and I'm not a rookie. Just make sure before I answer anymore questions my lawyer is beside me." Says Preem.
"I'm glad to hear, we already have your fingerprints on this 9mm handgun you decided to leave at the crime scene. The DA is getting a warrant for your house later on." Said The Detective.
Preem giggles and ashes his cigarette into the tray. "Where's my one phone call ?"
In Creams interrogation he's being bombarded with statements. 
"Well Mr.Stillz, Your brother Preem already spilled it all out when we threw that first degree murder on his neck and we told him how we found his gun at the scene. He told us you gave it to him." Said The Officer.
Cream takes a massive and disturbing yawn and responds, "Just let me know when I get my phone call."
In the room connected to Creams is where Sparks interrogation is being held. Spark is starring at the detective eye to eye. 
"Well Mr. Liles, Or would you like me to call you Spark ?" Ask the detective. 
The detective question is being answered by Sparks blunt remarks. 
"Whenever I Can use that phone just let me know." Says Spark.
The officer walks out of the room and next door, into Meeks interrogation. Where Meek is now laying his head on the table ignoring everything that is asked by him "Meek Stillz ? Meek ?" Meek lifts his head up and ask for his lawyer.
Preem gets his call first and he dials Storm number and she answers on the after two rings. "Storm get to our spot now and flush it out, tell McNair he can have all that work all the guns in there." 
Storm tells him that she Is already on the way to the house and she will flush it. 
Before Preem could finish the conversation the officer leans over his shoulder and clicks the end button "Times-Up." 
He throws Preem back into the cell with the other brothers. 
"Yo I just got off the phone with Storm and I told her to clean out our spot. The feds said they were going raid it in a few." 
"I was just thinking about something." Said Cream. 
"For what ? You said you out right ?" Mumbled Preem. 
Cream stands up and walks in Preem's face, "Nigga watch who you talking to. We still in this shit together." 
Preem points his finger Creams forehead with an angry voice, "Wrong you made you decision about an hour ago when you called a quits." 
Cream swipes his finger from infront of his face and pushes him over the bench causing him to fall. Before Preem could get up and retaliate. Meek and Spark jumps in front of the two and separates it. Spark yokes Preem up and takes him to the corner. While Meek and talks to Cream. 
"You bugging out, Cream is your brother, ok and so what he wants to get out. You got to support him, you can't name one time that he wasn't there for you. Yeah it hurt y'all been rocking out for 10 years. But now it's a reality check. You got to prove you can live this life with your older brother." Said Spark.
Preem nods his head and gives Spark a handshake before heading back over to Meek and Cream. 
"So what's Up ?" Asked Preem with a Smirk. 
"Pshhh, you and these tempers," says Cream with a huge grin as he daps his brother up and begin talking. 
"Somebody on Gotti team has a connect or inside man to the feds." said Cream.
"Wait, You mean like an opp ?" Asked Spark.
"Yes an opp, just listen how did Gotti and Rich pull us over when we were heading to the house. Even if they were following us, how did they book a legit police. Right after that Smoke and Nino appear at our crib other than Stacy which we now know is crossing us over. How did they know where we stayed at." Explained Cream.
"Shit not adding up," Said Preem.
"Look, why were the feds that deep at y'all crib Spark ? They didn't have shit on y'all. And how would they know where y'all stay ? Ask Cream. 
"They only people that knew where we stayed were y'all, Pedro & Skryz. When we hooked Gotti and Rich with equipment it wasn't at our spot." Explained Spark.
"See look what you just said, You said Us, Pedro and Skryz. We couldn't have to them and of course Pedro didn't. That only leaves Skryz and he was on they squad from jump street." said Cream. 
"Why did he come to y'all spot if he y'all never gave him artillery ?" Asked Meek.
"I'm not sure, Spank handled buisness with him." Said Spark.
"They needed information on all of our spots, that nigga delivers pizza to us us the same night Stacy came over with that information about Nino and Smoke. The next day Kelly was kidnapped." Said Cream.
"Wait, but how could Skryz get the pizza uniform." questioned Meek.
"Easy nigga, he followed Stacy here, jacked the pizza man delivered it and scoped out our shit." says Preem.
Over ten years of selling all types of drugs and moving weapons overseas, the brothers never ever had beef this big and never got booked by the police. 
"So what you want to do ?" Ask Spark. 
"10 years of us doing this shit, Making 20 grand a week. I'm not about to let some beginners just run me out without a fight. We going to give these niggas what they asked for." Explained Cream. 
"Cream Stillz and Spark Liles, you have been bailed." Said the officer as he stands at the cell door with Mr. Gatlin and Storm. 
"What about me and Preem ?" Questioned Meek. 
"Meek you have been charged with reckless driving and a concealed weapon. Preem you have an attempted murder charge. After I finish with these two I will talk with you two." Said Mr.Gatlin. 
Cream tells them, "Y'all will be out tomorrow, I'm going to see what the streets saying." The brothers exchange handshakes before separating.

Chapter 17- 3 The Hard Way
After the lawyer signs and releases Spark and Cream he gets Preem and Meek into an interrogation room. 
"So you guys are going to spend the night in jail because courts run during the week." Says Mr.Gatlin 
"Fuck all that, we know the law just make sure we out here Thoto." Yells Preem. 
"Well Meek they had No right to check your vehicle without a warrant. The officer did smell marijuana, being that he didn't that the cigar or any other weed into evidence there is no proof other than his word, our defense will be that he violated your rights." Explained the Mr.Gatlin.
"We about me ?" Asked Preem.
"Well Mr. Stillz in your case it won't be that easy, they have your prints on the weapon that belong to you in an abandon house with five dead bodies all murdered. The only question is did you fire that weapon ?" 
Preem stares into space and answers, "I'm not sure, I don't think so."
Meanwhile in the streets, Storm takes Cream and Spark to Creams house to get changed and situated, on the way there they explain to her everything that is happening. 
"I think Im going to need you to testify on Preem's behalf and says he was with you was at the salon." Demanded Cream. 
Storm agrees as she pull up to the house. When they get out and walk in Cream hears movement coming from his room in the back. Him and Spark runs to his room, he opens the door and see Kelly putting her clothes into a suitcase. He waves off Spark to tell him to go back into the living room and he starts talking to Kelly. 
"What you doing Kelly ?" He asks. 
She ignores him and doesn't respond. He repeats himself again but gets the same answer. He charges towards her and smacks her suitcase off the bed onto the floor, knocking all her clothes all over the room. 
"I just want my stuff so I could leave." Cries Kelly. 
"Leave ? Go where ? For what ?." 
She look at him and immediately begins to cry. "For what ? How about the fact that you got locked up doing some stupid shit I asked you not to do." 
Cream sits on the bed and pulls out a cigarette, "I'll explain that shit to you later but as of now I want to know how the fuck you got out of the hospital." 
Kelly pull the cigarette out of his mouth that he was about light and breaks it in half. 
"If you bothered staying and being there for me you will know I mad a 80 percent recovery." Says Kelly as she lifts up her shirt and shows Cream the bandage wrap they wrapped around her ribs and stomach and throws the bag of Medicine the Doctor gave her.
"Look baby, I fucked up. I'll admit to that but the last person I need to lose is you."
He pulls Kelly arm down and she sits on the bed beside him. He gives her a full rundown on everything that has happen up to now. 
"Look at this point I need to know everything you remember about what the, niggas did to you." Kelly jumps up and grabs up purse, "Pshh, I can't believe..."
 Cream cuts her off and starts to rant, "I understand your hurt and traumatized and want to protect your brothers. But I got to protect mine and these niggas crossed the line." 
Kelly takes a deep breath and sits back down. 
"About 20 minutes after you left, I went in the bathroom and took the test and I was in there writing down names, I was so excited. Then I heard the front door open and I thought it was y'all but I didn't hear you, Preem or Meeks voice. I heard them talking about finding me and where to look. So I ran under the cabinets and start writing you a letter. I was going to call but my phone was and in my purse and it was on the bed. I heard Stacy's voice and two other guys voices, they were real deep. That's when Stacy opens the cabinets and aimed the gun in my face she said, "Sorry Kelly but the game isn't written fair." Then two thick guys came in grabbed me out from under. One was lightskin with a police uniform on I couldn't read his name plate cause he no name badge. The other was darkskin and was dressed causal. They took me outside and it was two cars in the driveway one was a police car and the other was red van. They took me to a warehouse off the 145 St. It was all black with the words Audio written across it. They took me inside from the alley. Then they tied me to a chair and just beat me, they kept saying how they were going to get paid off of me. The one in the uniform said he had to go to work them they just threw a blanket over me." Kelly started to cry harder and hard as Cream held her in his arms.
 "Lay down, baby just lay down." 
He pulled the covers back and picked her up, laying her in the bed. 
"I'll be right back, I'm going in the front room." He kisses her on her forehead and walks in the front to Storm and Spark who was smoking blunts. 
"How is she ?" Questioned Spark. 
"She good  I think I know where they at though. He proceeds to tell them everything Kelly said.
 Back at the precinct Meek and Preem are being processed into the prison from the holding cell. During the precinct the housing distribution, the gaurd seperates the inmates into the housing by orde. The first five inmates were separated in the housing of 5 & 6. The order of the line consisted of Meek, Preem, A Caucasian male, the guy from the holding cell and another white male. The guard started by grabbing Meek and yelling aloud, "House 5." After he grabbed Preem and yelled "House 6," 
Preem didn't budge, "I'm not splitting from my brother." 
The man from the holding cell gave a sarcastic outburst, "Don't be scared." 
Preem looked back at the man, "We'll see." 
The guard shoved Preem forward and continued on with the distribution. As the guard guided Preem to his, he resisted his anger and urge to attack back at the men screaming and harassing him from the caged cells. He enters his cell and notices he is the only there. He crashes on the bottom bunk and stares at the ground for about three seconds until his cell mate arrives. 
"You got the top bunk little nigga."
 Preem looks up and notices the same guy front the holding cell and the one that dished him the sarcastic remark. 
Preem stands up, "Nigga I lay where I want to. Watch your fucking mouth." 
The man laughs and tosses his pillow and cover on the bottom bunk. 
"Nigga ?.." Preem hits the man face forcing him to stumble against the wall, he scoops the man and dumps him on the ground. He punches his directly in the middle of his eyes and mouth a couple of times before he repeatedly stomps on the mans face until he sees the man leaking blood. Preem out of breath, lays back down on the bed, just In time as the prison gaur walks by. "What happened here sir ?" Asked The Guard.
Preem didn't answer the man. He repeats himself and Preem remains quiet. The guard calls for back up and they pick the man up to take him to the jailhouse clinic on the first floor.
In Meeks cell he bunks with a 21 year old Caucasian boy. 
"What you here for kid ?" Ask Meek.
"Drugs, and supposedly Reckless driving." Mumbled The young man. 
Meek looks at the man and says, "Damn You was living Good ?" 
"Yeah I was living good, moving drugs from Boston to New York. Now I'm in here just trying to survive and not end up like that."
 The man points to the guards carrying the man from Preem's cell. Meek stands up and laughs hysterically. He knew that Preem beat the shit out of him an it made him feel good that his little brother would be safe in there. 
"Let me ask you something lil nigga. You was in this cell all alone, what made you pick the top bunk instead of crashing on the bottom." 
The man sits up and responds to Meek in a sarcastic voice. 
"I told you I'm just trying to survive, I watch too much TV, I don't want that shit to be me." 
Meek sits down on the bottom bunk and giggles. "You believe that shit really happen ?" 
"Yeah man I've seen it happen in front me and the guard. Matter of fact that man that just got brought past here with the gaurd carrying him. That's all his crew live for in here, if they start raping you then they will start taking over your whole shit. Food, phone time, cigarettes all that." The man jumps down, so what's your name and what you in here for ? 
"I got caught slipping up." Responds Meek.
"Didn't we all, but exactly how you get caught slipping, by who ? ask The Man. 
"I was driving wild with some heat on me, Tryna get to these niggas name Gotti and," 
"And Rich ?" Before Meek could finish talking the man cuts him and finishes his sentence. 
"Yeah, how you know ?" 
"Are you stupid ? Yells The man. 
Meek stands up and turns and mean mugs the man 
"I didn't mean it like dude chill. But Rich is a crooked cop like a legit police officer. Him and Gotti set me and many other niggas in here up. He works at the 27th Percent in Manhattan. What's your name bro ?" Asked the White Boy.
"Meek, Meek, Meek, wait Meek the oldest brother from three the hard way. ?"
Meek makes a confused face, "Whats Three the Hard Way ?"
"That's how I know who you are me and some of the guys in here nicknamed y'all three the hard way I've heard so much about y'all, You, Cream, And Preem. Are you the only one in here ? " Explains the Man 
"No me and Preem but let me ask you three questions kid. One, What's your name ? Two, What have you heard about me ? Three, How did you get set up ?" 
"My name is Styles, and I heard y'all been moving weight for years, Y'all been getting crazy money. It's kind of hard not to know who you guys are. Half of the clowns in here are here because they tried to live and do what yall do. But to answer that set-up question, "Well  I'll explain the full story later cause were about to go to rec. To make the long story short, They were supposed to come get some work from me but instead they called and told me that some cats name Nino and Smoke were coming to get it so I agreed. After I served them Gotti and Rich came to the door with a bullshit K9. Sniffed out all my Coke, Weed, LSD, all that. They planted some in my trunk after they took all they wanted including all my funds then they booked me on driving with it in and concealed weapons and some more shit." 
"Damn Kid, you couldn't make bail or get a lawyer ?" Ask Meek. 
"I couldn't afford a good after they took all my money, They system hooked me u with a bullshit ass lawyer that ain't get me no where. But the guards about to call..."
"HEAD COUNT." Yells the Loud speaker cutting off Styles before he could let him know the future.
  When cell doors open and the men line up on the side, Meek sees Preem across the cell block. When they get into the recreation area Preem and Meek link up and head to the phone. On the way to the phone Meek tells Preem everything that Styles told him about the man from Preem's cell and about Gotti and Rich's get rich quick schemes. 
"When we get to the phones I'm going to call Cream and you call the lawyer see, what's up with our trials." Demanded Meek. 
Preem nods his head in agreement. When they get into the phone room they count out six phones. There were three on each side of the wall. They walk to the last phone that did not have any line or anyone standing infront of it. While walking towards it they see a lot of different inmates starring them down. Preem grabs the phone first and calls his lawyer and waits for him to answer. "Hello, Mr.Gatlin, When are me and Meek trials." 
"I was expecting a call from on of you two. Well Preem your date is Monday morning at 9:00am. Meeks trial will follow that up. I just need for you two to stay focus. Preem agrees and hangs the phone up. Meek reaches for the phone and dials Creams number, the phone rings for about two seconds until he is connected. 
"Yo Cream I got some shit to tell you, where should I start ?"
"The beginning." mumbles Cream.
"Okay, Well remember the nigga with the fro that was in the holding cell with us, Preem bagged him early over some bunk shit. My cell mate also gave me some crazy information, come to find out Rich is an officer that worked at the 27th Percent in Manhattan. Him and Gotti been screwing niggas over on for some time now and we were just next on they list. Preem taps Meek and hands him a stoogie that his hit twice. 
"Yo Meek, Kelly told me everything about the kidnapping. That shit was a setup from the jump. She told Gotti, Stacy, and Rich cam and got her and this nigga Rich had the nerve to kidnap her in his uniform. She said when they took her outside she seen a red van and sauna car in the parking lot. The same red van that was tailing us bruh." Explains Cream. 
"So you telling me they had her in the van when they were following us ? These nigga is fucking bold. Do they not know we will break faces ?" Screams Meek. 
 Meek hands Preem the phone so he can chat with his brother before it's time to go back.
"What's good Preem how you living ?" Ask Cream. 
"I'm ready to get out of hear, I just had to bag a nigga earlier. But look my trial at 9:00am and Meeks trials follows up. Come with about 90 Grand" Explains Preem. 
"First my lil nigga, them you use my phone ?" 
Preem is cut off by a voice and a arm that pushes the end button on the phone. Meek turns around along with Preem and they see a brown skin nigga about 5'4 with dreads and a small army of five men behind him. Preem looks the man up and down and hits him with the telephone in the chin, Meek rolls off the side of Preem and and puts his cigarette out on of the men faces that was in the army. Fighting two versus five, Styles runs up out of the blue and shanks one of the men that the brothers were fighting. Three of the guards break the petty fight up and the brothers and Styles were thrown back into their cells before the rec time was over.
 Back at the house Cream was in mid conversation telling Spark and Storm what Meek told. "Look Cream I'm sorry I but I have to get back to the salon, I'll meet you at the courthouse tomorrow at 8:00." Says Storm in an hysterical Voice.
Cream guided her out of the house and turned around and see Spark walking to the kitchen and going through the cabinets.
"Spark all the munchies and snacks in the far left cabinet." Said Cream 
"Damn y'all got all the high snacks. Cakes, Pies, fruit snacks everything. 
"Yeah make yourself at home I will be in the back." Wisphers Cream.
Before Cream leaves he goes in the hutch behind the sofa and pulls out the punch bowl full of weed and the tray full of cigars. 
Cream walks in the room and sees Kelly crying in her sleep. He walks to the foot of the bed and lifts up the bottom of the comforter, he slides under and grabs and caresses Kelly's waist softly and begins kissing and sucking her belly button and lower stomach. Hearing her moan, he goes lower and lower and begins planting hickeys on her thighs. He slides her panties out of sight and starts licking and kissing her pussy. She starts to pull and scratch the top of his head excessively pulling his hair like a baby pulling an apartment carpet. After about 10 minutes of pleasing her Cream gets in the bed and smokes a blunt before falling asleep.

Chapter 18- The Case Of The Stillz
The next morning, Spark goes into the room to wake Cream up at 8:00am.
"Come on Thoto, we got to be at the courthouse in an hour, I just got off of the phone with Storm, she on the way there now. Kelly hops up and shakes Cream until he get up.
"Babe,Baby, Cream."
"Huh ?" Says Cream in a raspy voice.
"Get up baby it's 8:00 now."
Cream hops up and smokes a stoogie on the edge of the bed while he wipes the crust from off of his face. After he puts the cigarette out he rolls over on Kelly and starts flirting with her.
"Heeey baby" says Cream in a hysterical voice.
"Get out my face, Your breath smell like ass Cream."
"We'll find don't give me a kiss then."
He walks into the bathroom and gets into the shower for 10minutes. When he gets out he looks at the bed and notices Kelly isn't laying there anymore. He yells her name twice and she comes jogging in the room. 
"Yes baby ?" She asked.
"What you doing ?" Responds Cream.
"I was making me something to eat. How come y'all only got munchies. Do y'all ever eat real fucking food." Questioned Kelly.
Cream nods his head no and walks to the closet.
"I'm going with you today Cream." Demanded Kelly.
"No your going to stay your ass in the house." Replies Cream.
"Remember what happen last time ?" Asked Kelly.
Cream takes a deep breath and leans against the wall of his closet and tells Kelly to hurry up and get cleaned up and to get dressed. As Kelly gets her things together and walks to the shower, Cream grabs a black duffle bag and walks to Meek room. Meek had an all black room with black carpet, black walls, black bed etc. Meek had his spending savings and emergency bail money in a private room build into his wall. Every month Meek would put $20,000 into a savings and he would split in into $10,000 for spending saving and $10,000 for bail money. Being that he never got locked up before yesterday he had plenty money in his storage. Preem and Cream did the same. Except Preem kept his money in a private floor under his bed. In order to get it, you would have to move the bed and then already know that there is a private floor under the patch of carpet. Cream kept his in his shoe boxes. He had so many sneakers that it was hard to even tell where to start looking for it.
The only way possible you could access the private wall in Meeks room was to lift the thermostat up and type in the code. Then you had to push the wall in where the wall intersected with another wall. After Cream collected the money from both of the room he walked back in his to finish getting dress. When he walked in he seen Kelly lacing up a pair of 1999 Columbia Blue Jordan 14s. He sparked the rest of the cigarette from earlier and walked into the closet. 
"Do I Look Right ?" Asked Kelly standing up.
She was wearing a Baby blue Alexander McQueen Trench coat, Baby blue denim jeans and the 14s. 
"Yeah You Straight." Said Cream.
Kelly walked to her side of the bed and started rolling a blunt for Cream. 
"You Want Swishers Or A Dutch Cream ?" 
"It doesn't matter." Replies Cream.
Cream grabs a pair of dead stock 2009 Space Jams out of the closet. And starts picking out his clothes. He grabs some Kusbi Denim jeans, An Admirals a Hockey Jersey and A Bape Bomber coat.
"You ready ?" Asked Cream.
Kelly nods yes and Spark, Kelly and Cream leave the house at 8:34am. When they arrive at courthouse, Storm, and McNair was sitting infront of the courtroom. Storm gave Kelly a hug as McNair exchange handshakes with Spark and Cream. 
"Where y'all been ? We've been here for about an hour." Cried Storm.
"I slept late." Mumbled Cream. 
The group heads into the courtroom at 9:05am. As they head to thier seats the judge bangs her gavel. They see Preem standing beside the lawyer. 
The judge yells, "In the case of Preem Stillz, how do we find the defendant ?"
"Not Guilty, Your honor." Yells Mr.Gatlin
The prosecutor cuts of the lawyer, "I object Your Honor, the officers at the crime scene found 9mm handgun with fingerprints of Mr.Stillz."
The Prosecutor holds up the evidence bag with the gun belonging to Preem. 
"Your honor, the gun that was found is registered to my client with all papers and legal work, also the gun has a full clip. We shows that my client did not fire that weapon. The charges that were filled were attempted murder."
The judge grilled the prosecutor, "Is That True ?"
"Yes Ma'am but.." The prosecutor was cut off by the judges loud exhale and the banging of the gavel. 
"Case closed, bail set at $10,000.. Next Case." 
Meek was brought out in shackles and placed beside, Mr.Gatlin.
"Mr. Meek Stillz, How do you plead ?" Asked The Judge .
"Not Guilty, Your Honor." Responds Meek.
"Well according to this paper, You were brought up on the charges of reckless driving, Possession Of Marijunia  and a concealed weapon." Screamed the Judge.
"We'll judge the weapon was locked in the trunk of my clients vehicle. And the officer had no right to search his car without probable cause." Explained Mr.Gatlin
"Your Honor, My officer had probable cause to search the trunk of Mr.Stillz, he smelled marijunia." Said the Prosecutor 
"Where is the evidence on this marijunia ? Shouldn't it shown?" Screamed Mr.Gatlin
The judge looked at the prosecutor to see if there was any evidence. 
"Their Is no evidence of the drugs." Replies the Prosecutor.
"Well being that this is Mr.Stillz first traffic offense on his record and charge period, I will grant him a $20,000 bail." 
The judge slams the gavel and the bailiff takes Meek into custody.
Hearing the good news Cream and the rest of the group head to the bail office with the money immediately. 
"Cream I thought you said I was going to have to testify on they behalve." Says Storm.
"I guess not , Mr.Gatlin put in work." Says Cream.
Cream signs the paper work and gives the bail money to the lady. After 20 minutes of waiting for them to process Meek and Preem out. They walk to the front of the courthouse and meet up with Meek and Preem. They exchange handshakes and greetings. When Cream tells Kelly that she's going with Storm because they had something to handle.
"No, I'm not leaving and your not doing this shit to me again." Rants Kelly
"Look baby take this and go get my child a crib and stroller." Says Cream as he hands Kelly $20,000. She smiled and he gave her a kiss. 
"Look baby I'll meet You tonight, I'm going to ride with them." Said McNair. He walks to Storm car and grabs his Colt .44 Revolver and his pack of weed out of the glove compartment.
"Okay, you be safe." Replied Storm.
They separate and load into Creams truck. Cream drove an all black 2006 Range Rover.
"Meek I'm Going to take you to get your car out of the shop first, and then we can ride out." Said Cream. 
"So What you want to do after that ?" Ask Meek .
"Let's head to that warehouse and see who's there." Says Cream. 
Somebody roll up, yelled Cream.
McNair and Spark each pulled out a sack of weed. 

Chapter 19 - The Shootout
"Meek tell me more about the information your cell mate told you." Demanded Spark. While he was breaking down his cigar. 
"Well this nigga namme was Styles, he was a white boy. He told me he had and could get his hands on any and every drug. He was doing Buisness with Gotti and Rich. He said that they sent Nino and Smoke through his crib to pick up some work. But he didn't know who Nino and Smoke was, he just know that Gotti and Rich told him that they were coming through. He gave them 20 keys at $250,000. 20 minutes after they left he got high off his ass and Gotti, Rich, Nino and Smoke came in his shit and beat the shit out of him. Took everything he had even down to this nigga money and pocket weed. They planted some in his car then said they pulled him over with it in his car. Charged him with numerous counts of drug charges. He ain't have no friends or family to bail him out or get him a good lawyer so he stuck in there.
"Damn that's fucked up." Said McNair while he was lighting his blunt.
"Yo, In my interrogation yesterday the officer was saying how they was going to raid our shit. That's why I told her to clean it out and give it to you." Said Preem as he stared McNair in the face.
"Yeah appreciate that to Thotho, I needed that free work." Said McNair.
As they pulled into the impound parking lot, Meek and Spark got out. Meek paired the $350 to get his car out. Cream, Preem, and McNair in Creams truck and Meek and Spark in Meeks car.
They pulled out and followed Cream heading towards the warehouse. 
"We have no straps, I hope Cream got some in his trunk." Mumbled Meek.
"Nope,  he ain't grab none when we left the spot." Responded Spark. 
"Call him and tell him to get behind us, it's a spot like 5 blocks from here, that me and Spank used to get heat from." Said Spark. 
Meek calls Cream, "me and Preem need straps, get behind us cause Spark know a spot about 5 blocks form here."
Meek gets into the right lane and Cream slows down. He hops in front of him and they continue the 4 blocks. 
"It's coming up right here on the right." Says Spark.
Meek parks on the side of the building and Cream parked in front of him. The name of the place was "Strapped Holsters Gun Shop."
When they walked in Spark yelled to the man behind the counter,"What's Good Santiago."
Santiago was 6'3, he had a crazy unibrow and looked like Pakistan but had a Mexican accent.
"Hey My Friend, Sparks long time no see." Said Santiago.
"I'm good, we need some artillery. Just a couple of handguns." Replied Spark.
"Whatever you need, it's on the house for you my friend." Said Santiago in an anxious voice.
"I found her, I got my new baby." Yelled Preem.
Santiago walked over to Preem, who was on the other side of the store day dreaming at the glass case.
"Desert Eagle, My friend." Whispered Santiago.
He reached in the glass and popped the locked. Then he handed it to Preem. As Preem was admiring the weapon, Santiago reached under the glass case and pulled out a box of 300 count bullets for the gun. Meek calls Snatiago over to the other side of the store to get the two handguns he was scoping out.
"You want these my friend ? These are special, they are Glock 17 & Glock 18. No safety on these so you need to be careful." Stated Santiago.
"Yeah, Yeah. I know all about this." Uttered Meek.
Santiago retrieved them both along with the bullets.
"Everybody straight ?" Asked Spark. 
The group agreed and Cream tossed Spark the black duffle bag full of money from the house. Them Spark tossed the bag over the counter to Santiago.
"My friend, I said on the house." Repeated Santiago
"Yeah but you always look out with the good shit, so enjoy." Said Spark.
The group headed out of the gun shop and Meek told Spark to drive, while he load up his guns. Cream leads them to the highway and they drive straight switching lanes until they hit the 145st exit. As soon as they get off of the highway they spot the building on the left with "Audio" written in red writing. They drive slowly around the whole entire block once to scope out everything going on. Preem points out to the brothers in Cream's truck that the police car and the red van in the alley behind the building. They park diagonally across the alley int the parking lot of "Willeys Burgers." They get out and jog across the street and into the alley. Cream holding a sawed off shotgun. Preem gripping the Desert Eagle. Both of Meek's hands full with the Glock 17 & 18. Spark holding his Mack 11 with a extended clip hanging put of his jean pockets and McNair palms squeezing the handle of his .44 Revolver. They creep up on the red van that was parked on the bumper of the police car. Preem points out to the brothers the empty space on the back of the van where the plates are supposed to be, he was showing them that this was the same van following them when they got Meek from the hospital. Preem looks thought the back of the window and notices no one is in the van.
"It's empty." He wisphers.
McNair crotches and runs up to the police and sees that it is also empty. He stands up straight.
"It's empty too, these niggas inside."mumbles McNair.
"Make sure y'all not on safety." Said Spark.
"Flea, Glocks don't got no safety." Uttered Meek.
They run to the back door, Cream pulls the handle down slowly and the light from the sun shines in the doorway of the dimd warehouse, bringing attention to one of the voices inside.
"Nino close that door."
Cream behind the door, Meek and Preem lined up on the left of the wall. Spark posted right infront of the door gripping his Mac 11 tight with McNair along side of him. Nino pulls the door handle towards him but it doesn't budge. With Cream using all his might to hold the door crack in an attempt to get him to come outside. Nino gives one more hard pull before stepping outside. He waves his gun outside before stepping out, then he sticks his head around the corner to see what was holding the door. As soon as he sees Spark and McNair. He was shot twice in the head from Meek's Glocks and sprayed in the chest from McNair and Spark. Meek rolls off of the side of the warehouse and runs inside followed by Preem, Spark, McNair and then Cream. They spot Rich and Gotti diving behind the counter across the room.
"Somebody has to kill Rich, Cause I'll be damned if he call back up." Yells Spark through the loud gunfire.
Meek runs and dives behind the couch about two feet away from the counter Gotti ducked behind.
"Y'all niggas ran up in the wrong shit." Yells Gotti from behind the counter.
"Then why you keep running pussy ?" Asked Meek while letting shots fly from his guns.
Cream spots the stairs in the corner that led to the upper level. He taps McNair and they run up the stairs. Halfway up they spot Smoke running from room to room with a sniper in his hands.
"We got a sniper upstairs." Yells McNair, warning the ones on the first floor.
Him and Cream running though various rooms trying to get o Smoke. They run through a double sided bathroom with the other side locked and closed. Cream shoots the handle and kicks to open. When it flies wide open Stacy is standing in the middle of the floor with a pistol firing for their heads. 
"Oh shit." Cream hops to the side and shoots twice out of the bathroom.
He hears Stacy gasp and peeks around the corner. He sees her laying with a shot to her shoulder. They run past her and into the next room, where they see Smoke holding the sniper aiming at Meek about to fire for his head. 
"SMOKE !" Yells McNair getting his attention. 
In the middle of him turning to the side McNair let's off 3 shots to Smoke's ribs. Watching him die with his finger on the the trigger. 
"Let's Go." Said Cream tapping McNair on his side.
They dart through the rooms and back down the stairs. By this time Preem and Spark was creeping on the wall trying to get Gotti and Rich. They were cornering them slowly.
"We gotta get out of here, I'm running out of bullets." Said Rich to Gotti. 
"Okay, Let's leave through the front door." Responds Gotti.
The front door was literally about 4 steps away from the counter they were at. Unfortunately they had no clue that Preem and Spark was lined against the wall, approaching them. Rich jumps up and runs to the door, within two seconds, Preem nearly empties his clip on his back. Gotti was in mid action of running when he seen his partner in crime shot in his back. He didn't know what to do and he knew at this pint they were surrounding him. 
Cream jogs to the far side where Meek was and creeps up behind Gotti. Starring him in the back of his head for about 5 seconds. He let's his double barrel shotgun pierce his dome watching him fall flat on his face.
"They done, let's get the fuck out of here." Said Cream.
McNair leads the group out of the warehouse in the order of himself, Spark, Meek, Preem, and Cream. Cream phone rings and he looks at the screen. It's a call from the "757" number. He answers it as he approaches the doorway.
"Bye." Says the voice.
Cream stops and makes a confused face when he goes to hand up, he shot in the side of his head by a bullet coming from the stairs. Preem turns around and sees Cream slumped in the floor.
"NOOOOO." Cries Preem. 
He runs back in the warehouse and sees Stacy on the stairs holding her shoulder with her gun in her hand. He empties the last 3 bullets that was in his gun on her face. The rest of the group runs in the warehouse all starring at Cream laying in his brains. 
"C'mon let's go." Said Meek pulling Preem by his shirt and trying his best not to drop a tear.
Preem grabs Cream phone and gun and they sprint as fast as they can to the car.

Chapter 20 - Breaking News
Preem gets in the drivers seat of Creams truck and Spark gets in the passenger seat. Meek and McNair hops in Meek car and they start driving. Preem calls Meek as soon as they pull out of the parking lot.
"Meet up at Hempstead High School." Says Preem. 
Preem driving completely silent and him and Spark balling in tears. 
"Why ? Why?" Says Preem repeatedly five times. 
He calls Storm and waits for her to answer the phone rings five times before she picks up.
"What's Good Preem ?" Asked Storm.
"Meet me at Hempstead High School right now." Scorched Preem.
"We right here on Tyler Ave. we'll be there in two minutes." Replied Storm.
In Meeks car, he driving with the music on max thinking about Cream. All he could do was rap the lyrics and try to hold back the tears from falling. He thinks about what Cream told him in the holding cell about getting out of the game and doing something different. All he could think about was the goals that Cream wanted to reach. His train of thoughts is brought off track by McNair. 
"Meek, How we going to tell Kelly her future husband and baby's father was killed today." 
Meek looks at McNair and his tears begin to fall excessively and he starts huffing and puffing while he pulls into the high school. He gets out and sees Storms car. 
"What's Storm doing here ?" He asks himself.
Preem parks next to him and gets out the same exact time Storm and Kelly does. Storm pops her trunk as Kelly runs to it.
"Look at what I got for the baby." Says Kelly in a joyful voice as she shows the brothers the crib and stroller and a peak at the baby clothes.
"Where's Cream, I have to show him the stuff." Mumbles Kelly While pouncing on her tippy toes.
The men all silent and starts look around. 
"That's what I want to talk to you about." Says Meek while crying. 
"No, No, No." Kelly starts crying and Storm grabs her and holds her in her arms while she also let's numerous amounts of tears fall. Preem walks towards them to join the group hug when his request is denied by Kelly's emotions. She hits and punches him in his chest while they all shed tears.
"It's your fault, you promised me. You promised he will be here." Screams Kelly.  
Preem cries harder as he walks off. At this point no one could hold a solid conversation and tell the girls what just happen to their brother and boyfriend. 
"How did this happen ?" Yelled Storm
"H...he got shot in the side of the head." Stutters Spark.
"I want the motherfucker that did this to my fucking brother." Demands Storm reaching in her purse for her pistol.
Meek takes a deep swallow and lets her know, "She's already dead. It was Stacy."
Kelly breaks down and leans on the car.  All she could think about is that her blood sister killed her future husband and baby's father. Spark lifts her up and she cries on his shoulder.
Meek grabs Preem by his neck and walks with him back to the car leaving the group at Storms truck. 
"It's me and you Preem. It's me and fucking you. Let me know what you want to do ?" ask Meek In a raspy voice.
"They really took my brother, they really took him. Why Meek ? He was leaving it alone he was leaving the game alone, Remember he said it himself ." Preem cries and drops his head on Meeks shoulder. 
Meeks grabs him by his neck and lifts up his head, "No, Your not about to fold in on me pick your head we can't cry."
Meek wipes own face and repeats himself. 
"You hear me? We can't cry and we can't fold." Cries Meek.
Preem nods his head as he continues to cry.
"Preem what you want to do ? Let me know, You want to stay in this game or take the money we have and get out." Ask Meek.
Preem gives a dramatic pause as he think about how he just lost his older brother. He kept getting flashbacks in his heads of when Cream was explaining to him what he wanted to do when he wanted to get out. It only made him cry header and harder.
Preem responds to him while he wipes under his eyes. "I'm not leaving this game, I never will."

Chapter 21- Next Move
 It's been a full year since the murder of Cream Ali Stillz. There isn't a day that goes by that he isn't thought of by the his brothers Meek and Preem, who are now still on top in the game. They moved to big crib in D.C with Spark. They still sell drugs and now that they are linked in with Spark, they also craft with guns and other weapons.
Meek got his lawyer to represent for Styles. He got him a bail hearing and the brothers bailed him out. They immediately moved him to D.C with them, and he started getting them a lot of drugs and beginned working for them. Of course he was exciting to work for brothers, they were practically his idols when it came to drug dealing. Meek got Preem to school Styles on certain tips and rules so that he wouldn't get caught slipping and jeopardizing their buisness.
As for Storm and McNair, well McNair flipped all the work that Preem let him have and made a pretty decent amount of currency. Storm finished selling her work also to some of customers from the salon and some dope heads from around the borrows. She sold the salon, the name and equipment for five hundred thousand dollars to a Rich college girl that got a bullshit cosmetology degree. With all the money they made, they moved to New Jersey and got a nice three story house. They had a little girl and named her Jaden-Dior. Storm opened up a chain of hair salons called, "Jaden-Dior's Hair Factory." McNair is now a rapper he does a couple of shows in Jersey even in New York from time to time. He still sells weed every now and then, but hey can you blame him some things just stay with you forever.
I'm pretty sure now your waiting to hear how Kelly is doing. Well as for Kelly, Losing all the family she had was terrifying and traumatized her for a pretty good time. Meek and Preem gave her all the money that Cream had in his savings which was about 1million and some change, including his cut out of the money in private shoeboxes. Preem and Meek both agreed to leave Kelly the house. She stayed in it for a month then sold it. She end up buying a three story house in New Jersey, right next door Storm and McNair. In that big lovely house is her and her love, "Nadir Jaheer Ali." Kelly soon changed her last name to Ali also a couple months after she got situated in Jersey. She finished off Cream dreams and she invested into a sneaker buisness. Her buisness gives all the sneaker collectors and connisuers a look at all of the release dates, retail prices and celebrity kicks,etc. She titled it "SneakerGreed." She took all the pairs of Cream sneakers and placed them in the SneakerGreed office she has on the third floor of the house. Every time a sneaker releases that is Cream's style she purchases three pairs a pair for her, Cream and Nadir.
As for Cream, well his bodied was buried at the New Jersey Cemetery down the street from Kelly and Storm's neighborhood. He still surfaces the area from DC, New York and New Jersey. There's a piece of him In six different hearts.

              - VeryRareAli


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